Hello, I have a project for school in which i have to get the data from a website(like amazon) and print it. I have to get the data about consoles and games for consoles. Specifications, prices etc. I usually would try it in Code Blocks but i would like to do it with Unreal Engine. I have to do it for oop class, object oriented programming(with c++). My question is how can i get the data from the website?I have searched on google about this but couldn’t find anything for unreal engine. Thank you for reading!
UE4 provides HTTP API which let you download data from HTTP servers, i explained how to use them here
UE4 don’t provide HTML interpration/ripping APIs maybe you can do something with XML reading APIs or somehow code the way to find specific data from website, note that some data on websites are downloaded extra data using JavaScript and AJAX which simple download of HTML won’t get. So i recommend you to use websites APIs via HTTP where or XML is used, data simpler to process, i’m not sure if amazon provides such APIs
Since you do this for study, i recommend you to learn about HTTP protocol first to know how web browsing looks like on network layer
Hi, I have done a python web scraper code and using it in unreal engine 5 for copying data like names and prices from a furniture website. I could get access to python libraries such as beautifulsoup and get the data to be displayed in a unreal engine UI widget in real time and loop through the data with the UI buttons. If you need help add me on discord: Credendo_Vides#6485