GetIdentityInterface()->GetAuthToken(0) result "DummyAuthTicket"

I’m trying to retrieve my auth token after I logged in with my epic account. However the token what I’m receiving is “DummyAuthTicket”, even though the login status is “LoggedIn”. What am I missing?

This is how I’m logging in:

 FOnlineAccountCredentials credentials = FOnlineAccountCredentials();
 credentials.Id = "username";
 credentials.Token = "password";
 credentials.Type = "epic";
 IOnlineSubsystem* OSS = IOnlineSubsystem::Get();
 OSS->GetIdentityInterface()->AddOnLoginCompleteDelegate_Handle(0, FOnLoginCompleteDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &UConnection::OnLoginCompleted));
 bool success = OSS->GetIdentityInterface()->Login(0, credentials);

And this is the callback function, where I’m trying to retrieve the auth token:

IOnlineSubsystem* OSS = IOnlineSubsystem::Get();
FString authToken = OSS->GetIdentityInterface()->GetAuthToken(0);
FString loginStatus = ELoginStatus::ToString(OSS->GetIdentityInterface()->GetLoginStatus(0));
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Successful login! Authtoken: %s LoginStatus: %s"), *authToken, *loginStatus);
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Any luck here? Hitting similar issues.

It’s because the Null Subsystem is the active Online Subsystem. If you are testing from inside the editor, this is normal. However if this happens in standalone builds as well, make sure that the Online Subsystem is configured correctly.