Both points are float values and point A could be any numbers from 0.0 to 1.0, point B is a fixed value if this helps. now i want to find the value between point A and Point B by a given percentage.
If by 0.7 i want a number that 70% of the way from point A to point B how should i do that?
here is what i currently do when point A starts from 0.0 :
float value = GivenPercent * MaxValue;
EDIT for clarification :
An example of what I’m looking for would be if the given percentage was 40% i need to find the 40% of the way from A to B and A could be 0.6, B could be 1.0, so 0% will be 0.6 and 100% will be 1.0.
Thanks for answer but it wasn’t what I’m looking for, i know the formula when A is 0 as shown in my question, what i wanted was how do i calculate it if A was a non-zero value. if A value is 0.4 then 0 percent will be 0.4.