Get the transform of actors in each substep of physics simulation?

Is it possible to get the pose of an actor for every substep of the physics simulation in Unreal Engine 5?

In Unreal Engine 4, you can add a callback function to the OnPhysScene[...] delegates, e.g.:

primitiveComponent->GetBodyInstance()->GetPhysicsScene()->OnPhysScenePostTick.AddUFunction(this, "SubstepFunction");

or use the FCalculateCustomPhysics delegate, which was introduced by the following pull request: Howevery, since Unreal Engine 5, these delegates are only called for every tick, not every substep anymore.

If anyone has the same problem: I solved it using the AsyncPhysicsTickActor function.

I activated the tick by setting bAsyncPhysicsTickEnabled = true; in the constructor, then I overrode the function:

virtual void AsyncPhysicsTickActor(float DeltaTime, float SimTime) override;

and implemented it this way:

void AROS2Robot::AsyncPhysicsTickActor(float DeltaTime, float SimTime){
    UPrimitiveComponent* primComponent = static_cast<UPrimitiveComponent*>(GetRootComponent());

    if (primComponent != nullptr && primComponent->GetBodyInstance() != nullptr && primComponent->GetBodyInstance()->ActorHandle != nullptr) {
        Chaos::FRigidBodyHandle_Internal* Handle = primComponent->GetBodyInstance()->ActorHandle->GetPhysicsThreadAPI();
        // The transform of the actor with substepping precision:
        FTransform worldPos = Chaos::FParticleUtilitiesGT::GetCoMWorldTransform(Handle);
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