Your issue is more likely to be viewport/DPI scaling rather than the static mesh’s location.
There is another version of ProjectWorldLocationToScreen called UWidgetLayoutLibrary::ProjectWorldLocationToWidgetPosition, try that. It accounts for things like viewport/DPI scale//etc which are most likely the cause of your issue.
I’m trying to draw some text on the screen in AHUD::DrawText() method.
Now, I think, I have find it how to do it: using ProjectWorldLocationToScreen. But now I don’t know which is the WordLocation I have to use.
On Unreal Editor, on my map I have a static mesh that I’m using as reference. I get in the editor its Transform → Location coordinates to use it with ProjectWorldLocationToScreen.
Thanks a lot. I think so. How can I know the viewport and DPI? I was searching but I haven’t found anything about. Anyway, this is my first game. I’m sure I will come back to modified when I have learned more.