Is there a way to get the starting and end frames or starting and end times from an FAnimNotifyEvent when the user has dragged the notify nodes on the animation track inside the editor? Ideally I’d like to display the frame numbers of the start and end of the FAnimNotifyEvent in the property editor for my custom UAnimNotifyState class. I can’t seem to find a way to detect that event when the user has changed the frame start/duration of the event.
I had a similar issue, where I wanted the AnimNotifyState to span across the entire Sequence when dragging in. However this won’t answer your question, but it might be good info for anyone else looking up this sort of information.
void UCustomAnimNotifyState::OnAnimNotifyCreatedInEditor(FAnimNotifyEvent& ContainingAnimNotifyEvent)
if (UAnimSequence* AnimSequence = Cast<UAnimSequence>(GetOuter()))
float AnimSequenceLength = AnimSequence->SequenceLength;
ContainingAnimNotifyEvent.SetTime(0.f, EAnimLinkMethod::Absolute);