I am attempting to take a spawned pawn and move it to a location. For whatever reason nothing works, no matter what I do, when the pawn spawns it just sits there. Simple MoveTo hasnt worked, AI MoveTo hasnt either. Any suggestions would be welcome
Did you possess the pawn?
No, I have another player character which is being used by the player, should I need to possess it? I am fairly new to unreal engine by the way.
First of all, make sure you have setup a navigation volume in the level (See how). The navigation volume allows UE4 to generate the navigation mesh. The NavMesh (travesable area) is the way the AI has to know where it can and were it cannot through the level.
If it would help I can describe a bit more clearly what I am doing, I have a character the player is controlling, I am spawning a pawn at 1 of 3 points using a spawn actor function combined with an array using a random index. I then want to move the pawn that has spawned, specifically I want it to walk along a bridge I created.
I have a NavMesh in
For movement commands to work for an AI character, the character must have an AI controller. You should check these pawn class variables: AutoPossessAI and AIControllerClass.
AIControllerClass is probably set to AIController, the default value, which is fine as long as its not None. AutoPossessAI must be set to “Spawned” or “Placed in World or Spawned” rather than its default value “Placed in World”. Otherwise, the pawn won’t automatically create an AI controller for itself when spawned into the world. After changing this setting and setting up your nav mesh (you have already, I see) any Move To commands should work.
thanks, the autopossess was an issue, now Im getting an error saying movement is not allowed?
Could you post your blueprint and the exact error?
It might be because I was trying to us the Simple Move, however, no matter which of those I use I get the same result, the pawn just sits where it spawned.
I guess Simple Move isn’t meant for AI, I wasn’t sure about this before but I did recall something like that. Anyway, try the AI Move To node and print messages on OnSuccess, OnFail and print the value of MovementResult in all cases. It may give a hint on what’s going wrong.
If you press P in your world viewport, the area covered by your NavMesh should light up green. Does it show up green and are the monster location and the goal location both covered by the nav mesh?
Ok, so yes, they are both covered. I tried the thing with print messages, both success and failure printed…