I’m trying to run custom Vertex/Pixel shader with custom ortho viewport and draw to a RenderTarget
My work is based on RuntimeVirtualTexture, UE_5.3/Engine/Source/Runtime/Renderer/Private/VT/RuntimeVirtualTextureRender.cpp
ISSUE: reading Scene UniformBuffer
In Vertex/Pixel shader I need to pass a Scene
parameter, did copy RuntimeVirtualTextureRender::RenderPages
in order to get FSceneUniformBuffer
When compiling, reading Scene->GPUScene.FillSceneUniformBuffer(Graph, SceneUB)
into FSceneUniformBuffer SceneUB
results in unresolved external symbol linker errors:
MyPlugin.Build.cs has PrivateIncludePaths.Add(Path.Combine(EngineDirectory, "Source/Runtime/Renderer/Private"));
(where GPUScene.h
is at)
Did try SceneUB = UE::FXRenderingUtils::CreateSceneUniformBuffer(GraphBuilder, Scene);
but buffer is nullptr
Is there any exposed function for GPUScene
so I could get its FSceneUniformBuffer
Thanks in advance