Get Reference of current Object clicked

You could setup a Function in the PlanetControllerBP that takes in as an argument the planet that is clicked, and does something with it(even if it’s just storing it in a variable for later use). You can call that function from Planet BP, with CastTo PlanetControllerBP, then “as PlanetControllerBP” execute the function( the function’s name will apear in the Blueprint dropdown selector).

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Hello there, i have a problem.

I got 2 Blueprints. 1. PlanetControllerBP 2. PlanetBp

The PlanetBP has an onClickEvent (which works finally) and “knows” the PlanetControllerBP.
The PlanetControllerBP “knows” a PlanetReference called “currentPlanet” which is by default “None”.

So here is what i want to do: If i click on a Planet, the PlanetBP shall fire the onClickEvent and tell the PlanetControllerBP to Set his Planet(None) to Planet(SelfReference).
So the PlanetControllerBP can do something with his new currentPlanet, which is the clicked Planet.

And in short: I want my PlanetControllerBP to fill his PlanetReference which is “None” with the currently clicked Planet.

Hope you understand what im trying to do. Dont know if there is a better way. Tell me if so :-). Thanks!

Awesome, it worked instant and it is so easy :slight_smile: Thanks!