Get Random Point in navmesh not random

It seems like Get Random Point Navigable radius is broken in ue5? been having problems all day and after recreating my setup in ue4 it works perfect, then when ported to ue5 it just stops working.
Here is my very simple setup and behavior tree

Yes the character is using the correct ai controller yes the ai controller is firing off to start the behavior tree the behavior tree activates and gets all the way to the print string and here is what it looks like

In ue4 using the same copied files, the ai finds a point, goes to it and then waits like it should. But the ue5 version seems to just get stuck ticking the same location and never moving to the next part in the behavior tree.

I did another test using a new 3rd person project and the improting the same assets and it worked perfectly now I don’t know whats wrong with my main project

Even after porting over all the content to a new project and adding in plugins the AI works, I don’t think i’ve changed any settings that wouldve messed with the AI or randomness but I can’t think of another reason other than a random project setting

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