Get oculus/camera event/state


Is it possible to catch an event and a state (in blueprint) of:

  • Oculus is connected / disconnected,
  • Camera is On / Off
  • Oculus is in / out of camera range

I need to give feedback at player about his peripheral.

Thank you!
Samuel Gauthier

Is it possible now with the new version of unreal, 4.7?

Thank you.

I don’t know if there is an event you can attach too, but you can definitely query the HMD for this information at an interval and do your thing when a state change.

In C++, you can access the HMD by using GEngine->HMDDevice. There will be functions or variable for everything you mentionned in your question there.

Here are the functions I would use to get your 3 points, in order.


You can find the whole reference here:

Hope this helps!
