Get my player controller in multiplayer

is movement replicated?

Hello guys,

I cannot retrieve the player controller from players in my multiplayer game. Can anyone help me please ? I looked around a lot but I can’t find the answer. My blueprint is only used to move around and it is on the character that the players play. But when I launch the game, only the player who is hosting the game can move

Hi, what does it show if you print what GetController outputs?

Also the only controller that exist on a client is the player controller of that client, all the other player controller and AI controller do not exist on clients, only the server has them all. So for a client, GetController needs to output the same as GetPlayerController with index 0 for this to work.

It prints “playercontroller”

And with Get Player Controller (0), I get the same result

Yes it is

Did you try to execute this on the server? So RightMouseButton → GetHitResultUnderCursorByChannel → RunOnServer event with the Location as input → Server executes SingleMoveToLocation and uses GetController as Controller.

It works ! Thank you ! The sprite isn’t replicated but I’ll fix that alone now I’m no longer stuck. Thank you so much