I would like to at runtime in blueprints to get the name of any given material parameter(s) parent group, is that possible?
Example below, I would like the string “Variant” from the parameter “Blackwash Color”. I already know how to get/set material parameters and that works great, I want to make some UI based off of the group.
I’ll answer my own question. Below is the custom C++ needed to expose this data in a crude way back to blueprints, it works, but there is nothing native in blueprints right now to get a parameter group.
class UFullMaterialProperties : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "AAAMatProps")
static FString GetMaterialInstanceProperties(UMaterialInstanceDynamic* Material);
Then use this in your blueprint. You create a dynamic material instance and copy all the properties, if you dont copy the properties then it wont pick up the groups.