Get material from ThirdPersonCharacter in actor BP

I try to use these nodes (under actor BP) to get a material from third person character skeletal Mesh.
But it does not working。 Could give me a hint ?

And material I want to using is this (Surrounded by red mark)

It seems you are trying to create and use a dynamic material. After creating the material you need to assign it to your mesh using Set Material. What you are doing is just remembering the material in your variable.

Here’s an example of how the BP should look like after Create Dynamic Material Instance:

Thank for you answer. But my problem is I can’t get any material from third person character skeletal Mesh. Could you tell my what kind of skeletal type should assign to a variable and how to get the material from it?

In your blueprint you work with the Capsule component belonging to the Third person variable. You should reference the mesh component.

You mean the Skeletal Mesh Component or Mesh Component ?
I can’t find a node called ‘Capsule component’. :frowning:
Can you tell me more details about those processes (Or you can just tell me where could find this knowledge )

As I understand, you are using the ThirdPersonCharacter template. Here’s a simple example of applying a dynamic material:

  • Create an empty project using the ThirdPersonCharacter template

  • Create a new blueprint class inheriting from Actor and place it into the scene

  • Have the following in the new actor’s blueprint

This is what you will have when you launch the game:

THANKS! Problem solved!
Here is the final node~~