I second this, currently it’s very confusing because the existing E_HMDDeviceType still exists, and it doesn’t line up with the new Name options (e.g. “Morpheus” vs. “PSVR”).
Isn’t GearVR appears as OculusHMD?
At least its configuration for packaging is located in Oculus folder.
These are all the names I found by simply looking at references to this function.
what a mess… Any reason they didn’t make a enum?
Edit: Well, as long as the name is a pass through from the VR platform (SteamVR/Oculus), its better to go with the name. So you dont need to update the project to a new engine version to support new HMDs (which would be the case for an enum)
This is sloppier than my ex after an all nighter. This in no way returns the device name. It returns the platform name that the device is running on. Were you guys high when you named this?
After watching the UE5 showcase, I suppose I can forgive you for this. Probably had all of your real smart people working on 5. 5 looks really super awesome! I hope all the VR features will be there day 1.
I’m using Unreal 4.26
I may be doing something very nooby but how do you even call this function? I have
#include "IXRTrackingSystem.h"
#include "IHeadMountedDisplay.h"
#include "HeadMountedDisplayFunctionLibrary.h"
// Sets default values
FName deviceA = GEngine->XRSystem->GetSystemName(); // <== this works and compiles
FName deviceB = GetHMDDeviceName(); // <== GetHMDDeviceName is undefined
IHeadMountedDisplay* hmd = GEngine->XRSystem->GetHMDDevice();
FName deviceC = hmd->GetHMDDeviceName() // <== also doesn't work
I’ve tried so many imports and different variations and can’t find the proper way to call this
I misunderstood where the function GetHMDDeviceName was defined, I looked into HeadMountedDisplayFunctionLibrary and realsied that it was a libarary helper function and not a function on the hmd device so incase anyone else struggled with this the solution is here: