Get Game Instance outside of aactor

I’m trying to retrieve data from the game instance, however I don’t have an instance of AActor.

UClientGameInstance* gameInstance = Cast<UClientGameInstance>(GetGameInstance());

i get the following error;

'AActor::GetGameInstance' : illegal call of non-static member function

Is this possible to achieve?

if (GEngine->GetWorld() != nullptr && GEngine->GetWorld()->GetGameInstance() != nullptr)
gameInstance = Cast(GEngine->GetWorld()->GetGameInstance());

GEngine->GetWorld() is always = NULL

Same issue. Were you able to find a fix for it?

CatsNipYummy, the answer I gave above was from old code that I don’t have any more to look at. You can try rearranging the bit of code I have up there to do a null check after getting game instance instead of before.

gameInstance = Cast(GEngine->GetWorld()->GetGameInstance());
if (gameInstance)
do stuff;
log error

Other working code that I have in an old 4.9 project had a couple ways that I obtained the game instance.

AMyGameGameMode* gameMode = (AMyGameGameMode*)GetWorld()->GetAuthGameMode();
    if (gameMode)
        UMyGameGameInstance* gameInstance = Cast<UMyGameGameInstance>(gameMode->GetGameInstance());
        if (gameInstance)
           do stuff

Also, within my components, I had

UMyGameGameInstance *gameInstance = Cast<UMyGameGameInstance>(GetParentActor()->GetGameInstance());
if (gameInstance)
     do stuff;
     log error

One thing to keep in mind with this last one, GetParentActor( ) was a function I created, not one that’s in the engine. It was simply storing a handle to the parent actor. That handle was passed to it, but with engine calls, I think you could do something like (AActorClass*)GetOwner() if you’re in a component. Otherwise, the above code should work with any actor you can get access to.