Get color of texture sample

I am trying to get a color from scene with a Scene Capture Component and so far I’ve managed to get that color to a material Texture Sample node. Is it possible to get this color of texture sample to a different parameter?

No, I don’t want to manually make a color in Material Blueprint. That pink color I’m having there is coming from the scene and is changing when I move my Actor which has a camera and a scene capture component on it. My goal is to change the color of an object by picking a color from the color wheel.

I mean I want to be able to pick the color and change it in game, not on editor.

Hello Mempsis,

Yes it’s possible. First “Pressed 3 Key” + “Click Right Mouse Button” create vector parameter. Then right click, convert to paramete and renamed details tab. Second step is change this parameter.


Okey then using instance.For this right click main material and create instance material. Set object material this instance. Later double click instance material and change color as you want. But do not forget color must be paramater.

Okay then you can take a quick look to this.