Get collision from BoxComponent attached to socket

I have a character with a skateboard as a skeletal mesh, and I’m basically trying to make him fall when he is jumping and the skate ‘hits’ something.

I’ve used a socket in the skateboard root bone and attached it a BoxComponent, but that box component does not generate any hit events when colliding with the environment, and it doesn’t actually collide either. I have the generate hit events checkbox activated. I’ve also tried setting the activate physics checkbox to true, but it doesn’t constrain to the socket anymore.

Basically, the collision, generate hit events, etc. work perfecty for the character’s CapsuleComponent but they don’t work for the box attached to the socket.

Could anybody help me with this issue, or maybe there’s another way to make him enter “fall” when the skate hits something and he is in air?

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Did you get anywhere with this? Am having the exact same problem. Thanks!

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Well, this is old, but google brought me, so have at it.

It’s a not-well-documented issue in UE4 that “Sweeps” only check for the ROOT component of your actor - so, if you’re moving the character, the box attached to a socket is just moving consequentially to the character’s movement, and is not doing sweeps.

If you need sweeps on the box, use setlocation every frame rather than hard attachment.

Thank you very much!

Your explanation really made things clear up for me :slight_smile: