I’m building a roomscale VR game for which I’d like to restrict the ingame room size to the actual chaperone size. The main content should however be on the side of the room that is towards the forwards facing direction of the chaperone system that I’ve specified when measuring my room size.
The only function in the SteamVR Chaperone Component within my blueprint I could find was GetBounds and although that is useful for me to position the walls, there is apparently no option to find out which direction the player has specified as being forward.
Is there any BlueprintCallable function to get this direction?
I’m not sure how to get that, but you could just force the player to look a certain way with Reset Orientation and Position, on startup. You can pass a specific Yaw for them to be looking at.
I searched around and this kept coming up as the first search result. Couldn’t find a great answer anywhere, but then an idea struck me and I tested a few things.
Turns out that when you use GetBounds (Steam VRChaperone component) (or Oculus Boundary’s GetPlayAreaPoints), the first two points you get will be the front left and front right points of your room.
From there, you can find the mid-point (a.k.a. forward point / “front”).
Next you can get the forward vector of a look rotation from the player start position to that mid-point and you have a forward point