"Get All Actors Of Class" in C++

Use “TActorIterator” for that , this may help you


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I’m looking for something similar to this blueprint node (“Get All Actors Of Class”) in C++.

Thanks! exactly what i need

Or you can try this:

Searching for actors of C++ classes:
(Thanks gjudkins for reminding about it :slight_smile:

TArray<AActor*> FoundActors;
UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsOfClass(GetWorld(), YourClass::StaticClass(), FoundActors);

Searching for actors of BP classes:

TSubclassOf<AActor> ClassToFind; // Needs to be populated somehow (e.g. by exposing to blueprints as uproperty and setting it there

TArray<AActor*> FoundActors;
UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsOfClass(GetWorld(), ClassToFind, FoundActors);

I found that this doesn’t work as-is. To get it to work you need to replace ‘ClassToFind’ with ‘{YourClassName}::StaticClass()’

Then it works beautifully. :slight_smile:

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Yeah, the StaticClass function should work here as well.

I didn’t make it very clear in my answer, but the ClassToFind needs to be populated somehow (for example by exposing it to blueprints as property and setting it there).

If a class of actors you want to search for is a C++ class, then sure you can use that.
However, if you want to narrow down the search to specific BP class, then TSubclassOf is what you need here (although I myself never had to do such thing yet).


Here is a simple convenience function for collecting all actors of a given class into a TArray:

#include "EngineUtils.h"

template<typename T>
void FindAllActors(UWorld* World, TArray<T*>& Out)
	for (TActorIterator<T> It(World); It; ++It)

An example of finding all of the ATriggerBox instances would be:

TArray<ATriggerBox*> Boxes;
FindAllActors(GetWorld(), Boxes);

Nice and very neat Function thank you!

Thanks for sharing this guys.

To get UGameplayStatics to work I needed this include

#include “Runtime/Engine/Classes/Kismet/GameplayStatics.h”

If you need to get all UObjects of a certain class (not just Actors) here is a nifty function I wrote:

template<typename T>
void GetObjectsOfClass(TArray<T*>& OutArray)
	FAssetRegistryModule& AssetRegistryModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FAssetRegistryModule>("AssetRegistry");
	TArray<FAssetData> AssetData;
	AssetRegistryModule.Get().GetAssetsByClass(T::StaticClass()->GetFName(), AssetData);
	for (int i = 0; i < AssetData.Num(); i++) {
		T* Object = Cast<T>(AssetData[i].GetAsset());

Use it like this:
TArray<UAnimSequence*> AnimSequences;

I know this has already been answered, but I wanted to provide my solution as I was looking for this for a long time myself. As I am fairly new to UE I am not sure if this is the “correct” way, but it works for me and may be useful to others, at least for debugging purposes if for nothing else.

Mainly I simply wanted to get a list of all the Actors, not just of a specific class such as provided by the solutions above. The following was based on looking at the implementation of GetAllActorsOfClass:

using ActorVec = std::vector<AActor *>;

ActorFunctions::getAllActors(UWorld* world)
  if ( !world ) {
    return ActorVec();

  // Initial traversal to collect number of actors so can reserve vector.
  int numActors = 0;
  for ( ULevel * level : world->GetLevels() ) {
    numActors += level ? level->Actors.Num() : 0;

  ActorVec actors;
  actors.reserve( numActors );

  for ( ULevel * level : world->GetLevels() ) {
    for ( AActor * actor : (level ? level->Actors : TArray<AActor *>())) {
      if ( actor ) {
        actors.push_back( actor );
  return actors;
} // ActorFunctions::getAllActors

From here, I also wanted to get an actor with a specific name. The implementation is very similar of course:

AActor *
ActorFunctions::getActorWithName( UWorld * world, char const * const name )
  if ( !world || !name ) {
    return nullptr;

  for ( ULevel * level : world->GetLevels() ) {
    for ( AActor * actor : (level ? level->Actors : TArray<AActor *>())) {
      if ( actor && actor->GetName() == name ) {
        return actor;
  return nullptr;
} // ActorFunctions::getActorWithName

This could be made more generic by accepting a search predicate. Or if you really want to go crazy and get all C++/STL-like, the following ActorIterator is compatible with STL algorithms:

class ActorIterator
  using difference_type = std::size_t;
  using value_type = AActor *;
  using pointer = AActor *;
  using reference = AActor &;
  using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;

  ActorIterator( UWorld * world = nullptr )
      : mWorld( world )
      , mLevelIndex( 0 )
      , mActorIndex( 0 )

  AActor* operator*()
    if ( mWorld && ( mLevelIndex < mWorld->GetLevels().Num() ) &&
         mWorld->GetLevel( mLevelIndex ) &&
         ( mActorIndex < mWorld->GetLevel( mLevelIndex )->Actors.Num() ) ) {
      return mWorld->GetLevel( mLevelIndex )->Actors[mActorIndex];
    return nullptr;

  ActorIterator& operator++() // pre-increment
    ULevel * level = mWorld ? mWorld->GetLevel(mLevelIndex) : nullptr;

    if (level && (++mActorIndex >= level->Actors.Num())) {
      mActorIndex = 0;
      if (++mLevelIndex >= mWorld->GetLevels().Num()) {
        mLevelIndex = 0;
        // This iterator only supports single pass (InputIterator), so when it
        // has been completely iterated through, we want to be able to compare
        // it to a default constructored iterator for the range end condition.
        mWorld = nullptr;
    return *this;

  ActorIterator& operator++(int) // post-increment
    return ++(operator=(*this));

  bool operator==(ActorIterator const& other) const
    return ( mWorld == other.mWorld ) && ( mLevelIndex == other.mLevelIndex ) &&
           ( mActorIndex == other.mActorIndex );
  bool operator!= (ActorIterator const& other) const
    return !operator==(other);

  static ActorIterator end()
    return ActorIterator();

  UWorld * mWorld;
  int      mLevelIndex;
  int      mActorIndex;
}; // class ActorIterator

So getActorWithName() becomes:

AActor *
ActorFunctions::getActorWithName( UWorld * world, char const * const name )
  ActorIterator ait = std::find_if(
      ActorIterator( world ), ActorIterator::end(), [name]( AActor * actor ) {
        return actor && actor->GetName() == name;
      } );
  return ait != ActorIterator::end() ? *ait : nullptr;
} // ActorFunctions::getActorWithName

and getAllActors() can be implemented simply with:

ActorVec actors;
std::copy(ActorIterator(world), ActorIterator::end(), std::back_inserter(actors));

Whether that is more clear or faster is debatable, but at least you can also use it on other algorithms.