Hello all! I expose my problem:
When you press V, just get all players who have a Controller, print how many are and enter in a For Each Loop just printing each controller on screen.
What I get from Server is 2 controllers and list each of them as SurvivalController, SurvivalController1.
But from Client I just get 1 controller and just print SurvivalController.
What am I doing wrong?
Need that Client to see all controllers.
Clients cant see all the controllers, only the server can. With my limited noob skills I would think that the way to do it would be to ask the server to build the list of controllers and then perhaps using repnotify or something get the list from the server
I leave this just in case someone could need it. Dont follow the lines strictly, just the boxes and logic.
Anyway, I wanted to know this just to see if that was the best way to set visibility to true to a Particle Emitter which is inside all Characters from all players, triggered from the client but doesnt work. Thnx anyway.
That’s perfectly normal actually: a client can only see its own controller.
If you need to pass variables through replication, I can suggest you to use the PlayerState blueprint instead, because a client can see the PlayerState of all other clients (and of course the server can access them too).