Get 32000 captured samples per seconds


I’m trying to play an audio that I recorded previously here’s how I need to do it :

In my Player Blueprint, I added a press v Key event.
If the v key is pressed, MyCaptureComponent(UAudioCaptureComponent) execute its Start() Function.
Then I bind event “OnAudioEnvelopeValue” this gets me a float EnvelopeValue that I stock in a FloatSample TArray
When I release the v key, I execute the Stop() function of MyCaptureComponent

and convert the FloatSamples TArray to an IntSamples TArray by Using the FloatToInt32 function :

TArray<int32> AAudioCaptureActor::FloatToInt32(const TArray<float>& FloatData)
  TArray<int32> Int32Data;
  Int32Data.Init(0, FloatData.Num());

  UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("FloatData.Num() %d"), FloatData.Num());

  //multiply the float data by 32767 to convert it to int16
  for (int32 i = 0; i < FloatData.Num(); i++)
    Int32Data[i] = static_cast<int32>(FloatData[i] * 32767);
  return Int32Data;

Then, I convert this IntSamples array to a std::vector and create a soundwave from it :

std::vector<int16> AAudioCaptureActor::Int32ToVector(const TArray<int32>& IntData)
  std::vector<int16> Int16Data(IntData.Num(), 0);

  for (int32 Value : IntData)
  return Int16Data;

And then when I press F, I execute the ProcessAndPlayBackAudio :

void AAudioCaptureActor::ProcessAndPlaybackAudio(const TArray<int32>& CapturedAudioData)
  // Process and/or playback the captured audio data
  if (CapturedAudioData.IsEmpty())
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("TryingToPlay an empty Buffer"));
    // Handle error or empty audio data

  std::vector<int16> ProcessedAudioData = Int32ToVector(CapturedAudioData);

  if (ProcessedAudioData.empty())
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("Failed to convert Captured audio buffer to int16"));
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Converted Captured audio buffer to int16, size = %d"), ProcessedAudioData.size());

  // Process the captured audio data
  //std::vector<int16> ProcessedAudioData = ProcessAudioData(ProcessedAudioData);

  // Play the processed audio data
  USoundWave* SoundWave = NewObject<USoundWave>(GetTransientPackage());
  if (SoundWave)
    Audio::FSoundWavePCMWriter Writer;
    Audio::FSampleBuffer TransformedBuffer(, ProcessedAudioData.size(), 2, 32000);
    SoundWave = Writer.SynchronouslyWriteSoundWave(TransformedBuffer, nullptr, nullptr);
    UGameplayStatics::PlaySound2D(GetWorld(), SoundWave);
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Playing SoundWave"));
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("Failed to create USoundWave object"));

But the sound emitted is just a very short noise because I think I need more samples.
I found this and this could be the reason of why the Sample Array is so short :

What I understood is that OnAudioEnvelope Value is only called 120 times per seconds (if I have a 120hz screen) instead of my sample rate desired (32000 samples per seconds) how could I change my code to get 32000 captured samples per seconds instead of the 120 I get ?

I feel like this is not possible so I used a function from the JUCE Library to record my audio

For those interested I used a class derivating from the juce::AudioIODeviceCallback class and implemented the audioDeviceIOCallbackWithContext function :))

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