Geometry script mesh disappears after package

Hello everyone,
I have a project where I dynamically generate building SMs with the Geometry Script plugin.
Everything works fine in the editor in “Play” mode but when I package my project, the building meshes generated by the plugin simply do not appear on the screen.

Do you have any idea where this could come from?
(I specify that I have version 5.3.2 and i package for Windows)

Did you find a solution to this? I can’t see anything useful on the previous comment’s link.
I’m having the same problem, I added a dynamic mesh component to an actor and use some boolean operations to create holes on it. Everything works fine on Editor but in the packaged build the dynamic mesh is not even showing.

Leaving here in case anyone also get stuck with this problem, what solved for me was checking a property called AllowCPUAccess inside the static mesh I was using for my Dynamic Mesh.
The problem seems to be in the “GetMeshFromStaticMesh” function that can’t access the said mesh on a packaged project unless the static mesh is exposed to it by checking this flag.

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