Dude search the docs/read the wiki, play with the 1P and 3P BP templates (they have jump and crouch implemented)
I’m seeing a similar issue - where player 2 animations are sped up the further the player gets from the viewpoint of player1 (using a custom mesh)
Was this the same issue you had and how did you resolve it?
Fantastic! Care to share how you got it working please?!
Im attempting to add muzzle flash lighting to the guns when you fire, but no matter what I do there always seems to be a problem. If I set the light to initially be off via viability it works in third person, but as soon as I switch to first person it turns on which it shouldn’t be doing at all until I fire. Any ideas?
Also the ammo counter is not working correctly either, when you shoot both the current magazine count and the reserve ammo count both decrease, but once you reload the current magazine and it resets to 30, the reserve count doesnt change.
One more thing, it would be really nice if there was an easy way to just disable third person where you dont have to change around a bunch of stuff to get it working properly without messing up other systems.
Maybe similar to my first issue. My first issue was that I was setting a new Y Speed using standard animations. However I was not replicating the change of the speed. Seems like it therefore worked fine on a 1 player scenario but once I switched to two players the replication didnt engage and therefore the speed was kept at the defaulted 600. Not sure if you are having that issue or not but my best guess.
I was basically managing my root motion with two floats one for Y and one for X movement. I was basically changing these values thinking that the animation engine for root motion replicated them to the server. However figured out that I have to change the values on the server it self through a custom event and it works fine. Basically they were only changing on the local client and therefore it didnt work.
Thanks, will reply to this in the topic in the animation section so we don’t clog up 's!
I think you are spot-on. Thanks Sir!
- Quick end of day question for you. Did you build in any camera adjustment for crouch and prone? I.e. the camera lowers in TPS when you switch to crouch or prone?
If the muzzle is not getting the right direction, you either are using local space in your particle when you should be using world space, or vice versa.
I don’t support crouch or jump officially, but I plan to put that in the next update.
Not sure whats going on with particle lighting. Any particles I use with lights work correctly. Did you do any tweaks to how particles are played at all? Are you using a looping particle or no?
The ammo counter is working as intended. Its not so much a reserve count but a total ammo count that includes ammo in mag, which is why when you reload, the mag fills but the total ammo stays the same. Some prefer mag/total, others like you prefer mag/reserve. Unfortunately if I made easy switches for every decision like this, I wouldn’t be able to release this for another year. I did put this behavior in its own function that you can easily edit though. In BP_HUD, open the function GetAmmoStringFromWeapon. If you want mag/reserve instead of mag/total, do Current Ammo - Current Ammo In Clip and pipe that into the “total” pin on the format text node. Also, I KNOW MODERN WEAPONS USE MAGAZINES AND NOT CLIPS FOR ANYONE READING THIS but Clip is a shorter variable name. I’ll consider switching this to Mag in future updates.
Disabling first person is only one step. Simply remove the keybind for changing cameras.
Disabling third person is two steps. In BP_PlayerController, make the default value for bPreferThirdPerson false. Then remove the keybind for changing cameras.
I’m not sure how I can make that any easier, and doing those doesn’t change any other system. I’ll post a video covering this soon.
I have not added any crouch or prone or jump or any camera adjustment for pose. The camera might shift though if the player height/player center changes. In first person, the camera uses the eye height of the pawn, so if you change that, the 1p view should change as well.
Hi ,
First up thanks for this! Well worth it! You mentioned in your Steam comments (voted yes of course) that >32 players caused instability, curious what issues you hit and how these would be attacked. Like many others I’d be happy to assist with load testing!
I need a lot more testing to be sure what player counts that high would do. More reason to cram the greenlight down your friends throats and make them vote for it! Seriously. Open their mouths and just shove the greenlight down it until they hit that Yes button. xD
I’ve also made the decision that I’m going to increase the price around July 3rd, so get it now! Future updates are free even if the price increases.
, how about a quick movie on setting up a FPS in the GS?
Probably definitely called for … 8-}
It would seem you’re apparently capable of going back in time a few weeks to increase the price, so even buying it now may not be enough…
Er… July 3rd, I don’t know how to read calendars. xD
Regarding the particle position i’m trying to set it at the BP_BaseWeapon set muzzle direction using a arrow to get the foward rotation. However with no success.
Can you just briefly how would you solve this?
Another topic
The reload animation while i tried to swap it at the config category it is not playing out. Is there somewhere else that i should pay attention to as well?
Since update 4.8.1 when launching standalone game, player 2 receives error : The map specified on the commandline ‘/Game/GenericShooter/Maps/Menu’ Could not be found. Exiting ←
That happened to me aswell, I just reloaded the engine, it worked fine.
Hey ,
I’m new to unreal and your project and I have two questions and one potential issue:
is the networking full server authoritative? also lag compensation or/and client side prediction? is this all taken care by the unreal engine or do you have to make it that way in the blue print?
is there some kind of game id generated, a token that makes clients find servers that would need to be regenerated so that it wont mix up?
when shooting the rifle clip empty and keeping fire pressed the sounds keeps playing even there are no shots or animations any more (because the clip is empty)
Thanks and keep it up!