For the muzzle flash lighting Im not using particles, but using actual spotlights that gen enabled and then disabled when you fire. This is how Im handling it at the moment inside BP_BaseWeapons Fire Event
but when I switch weapons or when I shoot for the first time the muzzle flash either turns on and stays on or just doesnt work, and I really have no idea why. It seems like the Fire event gets called every time you change a weapon, but it doesnt look like that in the BP.
And for the first person issue being easier to implement I am speaking about perhaps just having a bool value that enable or disable first person but still allows for the third person body to be rendered for the other players.
Guys - Now looking at particles. So I added a tracer particle to the instant hit gun setup. When I fire the guy it does spawn but does not move. Thoughts?
One more question - Any quick thoughts on how one would go ahead in integrating a model such as realistic blueprint weapons package into this model? Did you do any thinking about that as you setup your model or there is no real “simple”/straightforward way but to rip through it piece by piece?
So first off thanks for the awesome work you’ve done. Glad to have bought this and save myself and my small team a lot of work
Just wondering, I’m making a new gamemode that uses teams but no kill counter or time limit. What is the best way to override these in the Deathmatch gamemode? Is there a cleaner way to do it through child blueprints or should I just edit the deathmatch blueprint to handle having 0 kills and 0 time limit. Since using just the number 0 causes the game to end immediately.
For anyone interested, I imported a “free to use” AK-47 model as a weapon and did encounter a few problems. But they were resolved after a few hours of frustration.
Overall, I just wanted to post here and say, you’ve done a great job!
What? If GS is Generic Shooter, FPS is already set up. Do you mean disabling third person? Will have that up tonight.
I’m not really sure what you’re doing with your muzzle, but I’ll be doing a tutorial on how to use other marketplace muzzle flashes tonight. Maybe that’ll help.
Does putting in your reload animation cause no reload animation to play? If so, you’ve assigned it right, but in your reload anim montage (it should be an anim montage), set the slot to Upper Body. Check out the provided montages to see an example of this.
Not really sure what this is about, this should never happen, and everyone who encounters it always seems to fix it with a restart 5 minutes later. I can never reproduce this.
It is full server authoritative. There is no lag compensation or client side prediction. Proper implementations of these would need C++ to not go insane.
Unreal and Steam have some systems regarding this, but generally I think its safe to assume that no, it doesn’t. However trying to join a server with different content packages usually gets rejected.
I can’t reproduce fire sounds happening on weapon empty on my end, but I’ll look into that. Are you using a looping sound cue?
Not sure why Fire would be called early, however, you should put all your visual effects in the same places I spawn all the muzzle flashes. Search for “spawn emitter” and you’ll see logic in various places like SimulateFire and StopSimulatingWeaponFire. That way it’ll get called and stopped appropriately over the network, as well as tying into the preexisting event system for weapon fire effects.
No matter what you’re going to have to remove the input bind for cycling cameras, and after you do that, third person or first person lock is a simple bool already.
Tracer particles don’t move. They are beam particles with an end point. See the supplied tracer for an example.
I did no thinking about that, because my weapon stuff relies heavily on some character logic as well and they are pretty well connected. You could however integrate all the realistic blueprint weapon actual fire mechanics stuff and tie it all into the Fire event on the server, which should also replicate pretty well… maybe.
Go ahead and do that, but the next update I’m going to push already has a “set round and kill limit to 0 to disable either/or/both”. All this is is really a >0 check before all the logic for checking those conditions is true. The logic has been refactored into different functions however in the update for the sake of organization and tying into pre-existing systems.
Awww yeah, hopefully those few hours of frustration mean that you can add in a new weapon in less time without frustration though. Bang bang bang bang bang.
Quote Originally Posted by MrMrC View Post
Guys - Now looking at particles. So I added a tracer particle to the instant hit gun setup. When I fire the guy it does spawn but does not move. Thoughts?
Tracer particles don’t move. They are beam particles with an end point. See the supplied tracer for an example.
Got it. Was trying to do a energy weapon using that (i.e. plasma bolt). I guess using a projectile weapon will be better. You putting Decal functionality in for projectile weapons as well next release? Might just use projectile weapons for all.
I use a B-Looped Fire Sound, with a FireLoop_Cue and FireEnd_Cue (im Using prototype weapons). Maybe I just made a mistake but besides that its working great.
Regarding the networking, yes thats no childs play and more core, I’ve more or less done this in Unity with C# was a lot of ground work. Well I’m okay as long as everyone can play and its authoritative.
I’m currently trying to enable bobbing of the weapon while running/walking, do you plan to add such things later on? Its more polishing in the end but yeah
Request: can you try to please record your video tuts @ youtube at 720 or 1080? I can hardly see anything with 420 which makes it a bit harder to follow and closely see whats going on.
As for the first person, it works fine for the main client, but not when you have multiple clients as the third person mesh does not show up and it only shows the floating first person mesh.
And I tried adding the lighting to the SimulateFire function but if the fire button is not released, then the muzzle lighting does not turn off.
Knowing you are fairly busy with tutorials etc. Can you give us some highlights on what you are working on for the next update and timing? Would be interesting?
Will there be plans for a cover system? or not likely? I was planning to build my own cover system, but if you have plans to do such, I may wait and pick up your pack.
A cover system relies on a lot more than just game logic, and unless someone is going to be donating some animations, I don’t plan on doing this any time soon.
I’ve created a Slack community for Generic Shooter. It might turn out into a good thing, it might not, iunno, we’ll see. The idea is that people using Generic Shooter can also talk to other users of Generic Shooter and whatnot.
tell me what you need I can animate it or use mocap files I have. you could take out the needed pose’s from the mocap and make or tweak it to your own also or use the full mocap.
I would be happy to donate just tell me were to send files. They are fbx out of motionbuilder and maya but its all the same.
Awesome addition. How do replace characters and weapons with my own. Is there any good tuts you recommend? I tried exporting the man-quin, re skinning my character to it and re importing it back in but it breaks. Might me something to with size? Haven’t tried weapons yet but it would be great to have some links for tuts which are relevant to this.