Generic Shooter: Support Thread

When it comes to root motion, I currently have no idea what is going on there. Sorry.

This is what I’m talking about. I just made child of rifle BP and replaced 1P and 3P meshes to quickly test how it looks ingame.


Perfect, couldn’t ask for more :slight_smile:



Yes this is the root motion issue I asked about earlier on here and in a new thread in the animation section, I don’t believe it’s possible. right now or someone would have replied by now surely?!

I have the animations playing on the client, by replicating the variables that drive the root motion anim graph, but the capsule is stuck in place. Very similar to your results.

Maybe someone from Epic is reading this and will go and ask those that know so they can put us out of our misery!


any way to make it work over steam?

i’ve been trying to make it work over steam to play with friends and it does not create any session…

where can i change that? i would aprecciate that help. thanks

So, I found an issue with forcing first person using that method :confused: It works fine as the server player, but the client players/joined players are invisible with only their arms showing. Starting in third person and switching to first in-game works fine, though. I’ll figure something out, keep up the good work with this :smiley:


I’ll… get back to you on that. I’m pretty sure you have two weapons equipped at once somehow, because I can’t reproduce this at all. If you wouldn’t mind, if you could create a new project with Generic Shooter and record yourself doing the steps to reproduce that, that’d be very helpful.

Uh, thats not good. Pretty sure this is a bug on my end, I’ll log it and address it in the next update. When I figure out whats going wrong, I’ll post back.

Im having a bit of difficulty inserting my own particle hits atm and would like to disable the Nophys hit (purple squares) for the time being until I can figure it out. Where is the Nophys hit being called from? Id like to completely remove that so I dont hear “Nope” every second :slight_smile:

If you haven’t made any new impact effect blueprints, then all weapons by default use GenericShooter\BlueprintLogic\Weapons\BP_DefaultImpactEffect. If you open that up and look at the Class Defaults, you’ll see a set of variables that correspond to the default effect. These are used when no proper phys mat related effect can be found. You can shove your Nope replacement here xD.


excuse my ignorance but i’m kinda new to UE4, to run the project using -game command. How can i do that? Much appreciated.

Ohh and, i just followed your tutorial on how to change weapon meshes, the reload animation making the mag dissapear how did you accomplish that? And the sound configs are kinda obscure, do i put a loop, or a cue. Could you enlighten me?

I think you can go into the project directory, right click on the project file and select run as standalone game or something of the sort?

What about 0 teams. A complete free for all :stuck_out_tongue:

  • So I redefined the CharacterBlueprint a bit (changed speed and animations). Now this works well when I run “Play” with one player. When I change “Play” to 2 player it seem to reverse back to the original animation and speed (your original Character BP) which is very strange since I redefined/changed your original Character and Animation Blueprint. Trying to figure out what is happening here. Do you do something special when I change players from 1 to 2 in the game setup (i.e. Load from saved memory or sets up differently than with one player). I believe this issue is also what is causing root motion not to work.


If you don’t know how to use command lines, it’ll be easier to use the Launch Standalone Window in the editor, but its really handy to launch standalone games. docjor mentions you can right click the project file and launch a standalone, I’ve never done that myself but if that works, thats one way. The other is to create a shortcut to your project and add the text “-game” to the target.

The weapon mag is an animation on the weapon itself. There are arm animations and there are weapon animations. The 1p arm reload animation and the 1p weapon animation was made so that when played together, the mag would animate with the hands. All sounds should be sound cues. You can use a loop node inside a sound cue if a sound cue is supposed to loop. This weekend I’ll roll this into a tutorial.

Technically 1 team means 0 teams. The game mode logic will only run as a ‘team game’ if there are 2 or more teams. If there is only 1 team, its treated as ffa/deathmatch. Next update will introduce a checkbox to indicate whether or not 1 team means co-op or ffa.

Sounds like you have some residual changes going on or something, or are you possessing a character you placed in the world or something? If you’re editing my blueprint directly, it should affect all clients equally. If thats not the case, you are running into something I don’t understand. The only persistent data settings I run through are what character you have selected (mesh update only), hat customizations, invert y, and other things of that nature. None of that movement stuff is being pulled or recalculated.

Having an issue getting my ADS sights to line up properly. I’ve tried countless tinkering with your 1P ADS and offsets but i can’t get it perfect. I always end up with my gun pointing slightly to one side. Any tips?a1533d491106e008d4be6ac13405561c14af2a11.jpeg

Man I wish the 4.8 rig didn’t have different bone scaling than the 4.8… that hand is so fubar.

I’d say rotate it, tilting to the right, (maybe +x?), then scoot it back over location wise (-y?)

Since update 4.8.1 when launching standalone game, player 2 receives error : The map specified on the commandline ‘/Game/GenericShooter/Maps/Menu’ Could not be found. Exiting. Player 1 works fine.

Thank you!

really thanks for taking the time to answer. I found those animations on the configuration in class defaults, however did not get them to work yet unfortunately. If you could make a quick add to the weapon video that would be awesome.
Ohh and the muzzle animation is not getting direction, so when i use the animation of the dark weapons the muzzle point to always one direction. Is thaht just me?

And it happened me as well having to 2 weapons spawned at my players hand when playing a multiplayer when i’m using different meshes. The weird thing is that it doens’t happen every time. Server replication maybe?

A quickshot as well: the crouch is already implemented but how about jump? Could you teach us?

  • for future questions. Root motion works fine on the template just got it working.