Step 1. Created new project (Create new project for generic shooter, version 4.12.5 unreal )
Step 2. Loaded project
Step 3. Enabled ‘Run Dedicated Server’
Step 4. Added player count to 2
Step 5. PLAY
Symptoms: Lobby view shows up and allocates players to separate teams, once the match starts players will spawn without weapons and cannot interact with the weapon pickups in the level.
I want general opinion about how I’m currently trying to achieve using the weapon class from GS:
I want my main weapon to be able to fire different Weapons, with totally a different logic one from the other. So, I’m thinking of having a WeaponHolder that stores an array of Actor. This Weapon Holder will have only three purposes: Carry this array of weapons (Actor class), having a preferred weapon and return this to the owner as a function, and to switch this preferred weapon as the owner choice.
When the player asks to fire the weapon, I’m thinking of having a Interface class for that, to avoid certain dependencies with the Weapon Class… The array of actor is just for that, too.
Is there another way other than using interfaces to avoid classes circular dependency?
EDIT: Additionally: Any drawback of using lots of Interfaces to avoid class dependency?
I know everyone has a feature that they want implemented, but I want to implement it myself… problem is, blueprints break SUPER EASILY AHHHHHGGGG
Basically I want to create NPC’s, but the player character isn’t split up into something nice like “Human -> Player Char”, to which I could then do “Human -> NPC”…
So it looks like the only option is to somehow either completely rebuild the player, or somehow split the player features from the base human features (like damage, inventory, etc)
Do you happen to have any other ideas? Thanks!! And you’re project is great, maybe next time consider splitting up playerchar thoOoo! <3
Hi there, i may try to help but i don’t understand what is your problem exactly?
I see you have new character. Is this new character using same skeleton what GS?
Or you mean, how to get custom jump animation in GS?
Thanks for the answer Multipainkiller, i have checked all, but dont jump. i want to import my own charakter with own momvent animation, its possible to integrate this?
Np. sorry i can’t help you better. But lets try again. What you mean by it don’t jump? Character is jumping, but is not playing jump animation (instead its looks like he is walking in the air) ? or it doesn’t jump at all?
Check one more time one think please mate, in project settings/input/action mapping look for fake widget or something similar where the “space button” is assigned too. Basically check all and make sure non of them has assigned same key action what you have for jump.
I’ve having trouble getting 1PArm ADSOffset to move/rotate. Any edits I make to the xyz of either the rotation and/or transform do not take effect when I save.
Both the 1PArm Attach Offset and the 1PArm Offset apply the changes however 1PArm ADSOffset is just not budging.
I’ve gone through BP_BaseWeapon the “Start ADS” doesn’t make any references to “Get ADSArms Offset Transform”. Is this normal or is my project messed up?
4.12 offsets were broken due to a fault of my own. However offsets now have changed significantly, as well as character definitions. In the 4.13 update, offsets per weapon class are now defined in BP_CharacterInfo classes. This way, characters of different meshes/skeletons/etc can have completely different and independent animations from other characters, as well as their own weapon offsets.
Aye, unfortunately I did not make AI separation an inheritance easy. I’m hoping to solve this with a future update.
Change/Feature: Greatly reworked character definition system. Character infos are now defined as BP_CharacterInfo classes. This adds support for characters of different skeleton types. These character infos also define which animations to use with weapons, as well as weapon offsets
Change: Weapon animations are now pulled from character info and are not stored in weapon classes
Change: Server is now aware of client’s camera view mode
Change: All impact effect decals now have lifespan default to 10 seconds instead of 0 seconds (so that they clean themselves up over time)
Feature: Very basic Foot IK, disabled by default. Hopefully improved in later versions by use of animation curves
Feature: Game modes now have an option to not shuffle team infos, thus making team info data static
Feature: Footsteps. Footsteps have the ability to have unique effects per physical surface type, however I only ship a generic footstep for all materials. Footstep effects are defined in BP_CharacterInfo classes
Feature: More consistent and better weapon fire line traces and projectile spawning
Feature: Player controllers now have a checkbox for picking a random more human readable player name on begin play
Bugfix: Client projectiles now no longer choppy in-flight -@gbr
Did you encounter this error when you were making GenShooter?
AttachTo: /Game/Maps/UEDPIE_1_map.persistentlevel.[myCharacter name]mesh.0’ already attached to '/game/maps/uedpie_1_mapname.persistentlevel.rifle_c_0.3Pmesh, would form cycle. Aborting.
What this is causing is the mesh to deattach from the camera and when I rotate through equipped weapons the character model spawns at center of map, but properly changes weapon.
I don’t have UAIS, but I merge with other projects a lot with Generic Shooter. I usually migrate other projects into the GS project because there is custom trace channels and inputs in GS, so I think you should migrate the entire content folder from UAIS into GS. Otherwise, you have to import the project config files.
and it should basically create a game session when a dedicated server starts. And it works in Editor. But as soon as I cook the game and cook dedicated server, it does not. I cant find session. Where could be the problem? Thanks
Hi, I have add Charactes Customization Menu in Lobby menu.
But the problem is, dont save the changes, charactes, hat or color.
You know any solution to this.