Yes, GS is working in 4.12.5. When I create a new app using the basic floor, put a few bots to kill on the floor and then stop I get an error “Accessed None Trying…”. The func Scorekill and the Var - Inc Deaths cause the problem. The app runs OK and exe file runs with no errors. Any help. Thanks.
4.12.5 update submitted. Should fix all the problems people are seeing with 4.12. Note: 4.12.5 is required. You must have hotfix 5 or later.
Generic Shooter 4.12.5 Update Submitted.
This fixes all issues with crashing, broken arms, and other 4.12 oddities. Must have hotfix 5 or later.
(SUBMITTED 07/09/2016): Cathartic Crouton 4.12.5
- Change: BP_PlayerCharacter and BP_PlayerCameraManager now use a First Person character mesh attached to a camera and spring arm. 4.12 mysteriously broke transform math for more optimized approach.
- Bugfix: Fixed 4.12 related issues mostly related to broken nodes needing to be re-done.
- Bugfix: When mouse is set to inverted, it becomes reset after death. Fix is shown here.
- Bugfix: When weapon fire sound is set to loop but muzzle flash is not looping, weapon fire sound never stops on clients. Fix is shown here.
- Bugfix: Sometimes client lobby screen titles are cut off. Fix is shown here.
@: Just want to say that last night I started playing around with Generic Shooter and customising it for my needs and it was rather simple to get it to do what I need it to. Friends at work asked me to make them a FPS game that the whole office wants to play on Fridays for some team building … so I have hooked in a whole bunch of assets I previously bought, made up a background story and ProtoFPS was born.
All this is thanks to your kit being used as a base. I am about 75% complete with the cutstomisation and then it will be time to make some maps and release it to the guys. Good job and keep it up. 8-}
Oh yeah … using UE 4.12.5 and I have not experienced any crashes or issues.
HI, I share two gamemode for generic shooter 4.12.5 (work also with 4.11.2).
These gamemode are domination and last team standing.
Edit: Added a CTF gamemode
– Install –
@zuert: Hey man … that is pretty cool of you … thanks for your contribution. I am going to give it a whirl tonight when I get home from work. Thanks for your contribution.
Love these tutorials. Thank you!
Great work zuert, thank you for sharing!
@: What would be the quickest way to have the weapons also use the team colour? My material already has the parameters set and is using the get team colour node, but I think I need to make a call somewhere that actually sets the team colour for the weapon.
Another question … how do you add more teams?
Hello all,
I’m currently toying with different control schemes with different classes and I’m currently trying to get the bp character to work like the third person example (see attached). I’ve tried different combinations, read into some other stuff, but I have yet to find success. Does anyone know what I’m missing or what restrictions are in place that prevent this or where I can find a solution.
Thank you,
@: Noticed an error in the kit on 4.12.5 when you pick up any of the ammo.
Do you know of a quick fix for this? I am busy investigating myself but was hoping you might have a quick fix so I can finish my prototype.
EDIT: Never mind … I just added a “Is Valid” against the object and took the “Is Not Valid” output directly to the end. All good. 8-}
@: Where is the player name set in your blueprints … being digging around for a little while now and I can’t seem to find it. 8-{
I am unable to rotate any weapon skeletal using the re-import rotation mesh on 4.12 as I was able to do on 4.11. Anyone know how to do it on 4.12? The only way is to rotate the socket, but that only works with weapons with the same rotation.
I had the same issue as you … eventually I used a 3D Modelling Program to rotate my weapons and get them all facing the same direction. It was a pain in the butt but took less time than it took me to try and figure out why my weapons were not rotating on re-import.
Sorry that I can help.
Thank you. Well, I am not alone, as seems probably an unwanted feature for 4.12. So I will rotate on maya my weapon mesh as you said. Regards!
Okay I’m trying to create a Team elimination gamemode I have the elimination part down but Im trying to get it so a certain team can only have a certain amount of players in like Team 2 can only have 3 players so when Team 2 is full then how ever many players into Team 1 can join in team 1
If I didnt make any sense with the explanation hopefully this is simpler
Team 1 = unlimited players
Team 2 = 3 players
Once reaches close Team 2 from anyone joining
I figured out how to fix the issue on my tenth attempt XD its all good now
Hi @ ,
1-I’m getting this error in UE4.12.5. It appears when I close the game. Not sure how bad it is but just thought I should let you know.
Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Attempted to access BP_Pickup_Ammo_Rocket_C_14 via property K2Node_DynamicCast_AsActor, but BP_Pickup_Ammo_Rocket_C_14 is pending kill from function: ‘UpdateFocusedPickup’ from node: Branch in graph: UpdateFocusedPickup in object: BP_PlayerCharacter with description: Attempted to access BP_Pickup_Ammo_Rocket_C_14 via property K2Node_DynamicCast_AsActor, but BP_Pickup_Ammo_Rocket_C_14 is pending kill
2-Any chance for a guide on how to get the project to work on PS4 please?
Hello, please I have a few questions.
- Where is the player name being set?
- Can I get a gamemode from a found session. Not ingame just After Find Session node in ServerBrowser Widget.
- Where is Server name being set?
These have been killing be for I dont know how long…
I don’t see why that is such a bad idea seeing as this is only usable for steam without coding your own launcher and dedicated server. Open source would allow people to make an actual dedicated server and other improvements that they could share and have others work on it as well… Open source does not mean free… you can still make money off it… You aren’t doing anything new to it at this point (I bought this the first day it went live) it is just a toy to play with sometimes when I am bored. I am not saying you should make it open source, I am just annoyed at the ignorance of ‘open source being free’ because there is nothing to say that you can’t make money with open source.
Dedicated server questions, there was a mention that this is supported but i’m unable to properly connect to a dedicated server.
- Dedicated server launches fine but doesn’t announce it’s presence to the server browser
- When a player joins through console (open they get to enter the match normally, but seems like the player is not initialized correctly. All players that connect don’t have a weapon equipped and cannot interact with the weapon pickups.
Is there something im missing or is the dedicated server support not actually implemented properly?
There is a material function you can use called MF_GetTeamColor.
To add more teams, create more Team Info widgets and update BP_GameState accordingly. You will have to add additional lerping logic in MF_GetTeamColor for new team indexes to work properly.
Name is currently not being set in Blueprints. Player names default to Epic’s implementation of player names. Without Steam, this defaults to OS user name + some long hash.
Aye, to do this you’ll have to change the logic in GetValidTeam and GetAutoAssignTeamNum in your game mode derived from BP_Deathmatch.
- Will be fixed in the next update
- Not currently.
- Name isn’t being set in BP. Player names are set by Epic’s default implementation, which is OS’s user name + a random hash.
- Not without custom changes / custom plugins for UE4.
- Its currently being set to the host’s name in Epic’s default implementation. Changing this requires C++ or custom plugins for UE4.
Dedicated Server support is for the most part there, but any issues that are coming up are generally due to the lack of C++ code for handling edge cases.
- This is entirely dependent on how your OnlineSubsystem treats dedicated servers. You can pseudo force this behavior by calling Create Session in your game mode’s begin play, which might fail if a session already exists. A failure should be safe to ignore, I believe.
- This also depends on your subsystem. If you are using Steam, direct ip connections tend to not go through the same player init that Steam wants to do and weird things happen. If not using Steam, I can not explain this and have no idea why it wouldn’t work.
I’m hoping to get some time to work on the next major update and include more dedicated server specific documentation, but life is demanding and stuff.