Generic Shooter: Support Thread

You should set you trigger boxes collision to ignore projectiles.

goto: generic shooter > Blueprint Logic > Engine… open Game Instance look for defined hats. also the hat id is set via the UI depending on your choice.

Appreciate the assistance! My apologies… I figured since the thread said “support” it meant that this was the place to ask for help… I’ll check out the slack chat from here on out!

It worked. Thank you!

You guys are welcome. Also that kinda came out wrong about slack and this thread, that’s why I removed it from my post. I guess I really meant to say you should use the slack for questions like asked and you will get much faster support.

Hi i just bought your project and i installed it on 2 computers attempting to play multiplayer: when i create a server on a computer i cant joing with the other one cuz it is “unable to join the server”…is there a way to solve this? is it something im doing wrong? I need help =( (great job with this project btw)

Those computers are on LAN, or remote? If LAN, check that you are making a LAN server and joining player choose LAN too. If no LAN, you need to check the steam tutorial by (its only need to change some .ini files)

I’ve been wanting to do something with GS lately but on 4.11 it doesn’t cook from a clean version of the engine and the project. I’ve also tried compiling from git for 4.11, but that doesn’t work either. I’m not sure if I should roll back to 4.10 (maybe 4.11 is not supported?) or move on to a different framework. Here’s the log of what’s happening when I try to cook it: Ubuntu Pastebin

love you bro i’ll try to give it an eye :wink:

LAN should work out of the box. If you want non-LAN, you need to enable a Subsystem of some kind. Generic Shooter’s networking is built on top of Epic’s networking layer and connectivity nodes. If you’re failing to connect, its either due to your OnlineSubsytem (or lack thereof; neither which can be changed in Blueprints) or some network issue of some kind. I have a basic tutorial for setting up the Steam Subsystem but I don’t offer any official support for setting up a subsystem. Enabling UE4's Steam Integration

That would be the best way to go about it for now. Some day I will rework the weapon management system to be far more robust. Don’t know when though. Maybe never. I admit it is one of the weaker parts of Generic Shooter.

Your trigger boxes should be set to ignore projectiles. (or at least only overlap and not block anything)

I can’t seem to replicate this at all, but I’ll do more testing and look into it. Are you using the latest version from the marketplace on 4.11?

Added to bug list, will investigate. Thanks.

4.12 is currently unsupported due to an engine bug [UE-31725] that affects Generic Shooter.

When engine bug [UE-31725] is solved in a released engine build, then I will immediately begin work to support 4.12.

You can ask for help here. That is fine. But aye, I am much slower here than on Slack.

That is strange. I’m unable to get this on my end but @Naitguolf says he had to change “DecalData on BP_ExplosionEffect adding a M_Blah material” so that it would cook.

tnx :slight_smile:

HI, This morning, I received update , it’s great. Can you tell me where this bugs? Because I’ve done a lot of work, I don’t want to come again.

I am Away from my computer at the Moment, But in Short i can Tell you what i did. i will make a better explanation with pictures and such, but all i had to do, was Create a Child of the Mobile HUD and Remove everything from the Hud Except the Buttons, such as “Fire” and “Reaload” and basically anything you can press you will keep on the hud, and then on the Original Mobile Hud i Removed the Buttons but not the logic, this way things like chat still work on your child HUD class, and then on the Child HUD i had to make the Canvas Panel and Everything on it “Self Hit Test Visible” this way none of the buttons are overlapping your joystick and vise versa. now in the BP_PlayerCharacter Blueprint, at the end of the Event Begin Play, Just after Give Default Weapons i use the Activate Touch Interface and Selected the Joysticks, now, you have to do some extra work and find all the places you want the joysticks to not be visible, like during the lobby screen after the game ends and wherever else is suitable for your Specific Game, and to remove the joysticks you call the Activate Touch Interface Node again but leave it blank and to reactivate you do the same but with your joystick of choice selected.
I hope this helps and doesnt seem confusing, let me know if you would like me to go over a certain part in more detail or if you have any other questions

Hello and all,

I apologize if this was question has been asked before (skimmed a few pages), but how can with the use of children blueprints of character template, get different control schemes on the kids? I tried removing the inputs on the character template and add them to the children blueprints and some children blueprints had different control scheme, but nothing happens. My goal is to have a class like system with different control schemes.

Is inheritance of controls locked? What am I missing?

Thank you all,

He updates the patch notes on the first post of the thread on page 1.

Supposed to be fix in 4.12.3

Now the Project crashs instead on Startup…

Okay, thanks for the Description, will try it out after the Update is finished (i hope sometime soon :-/, deserted village-esque internet) and report back if it works.
A pictured or more thorough guide would help a lot of People here i think, would certainly be very much appreciated, feel free to add if you have some leisure time. I think i’ve understood it but we’ll see in practice :o

, could you take a few minutes and do a basic tutorial on GS. I am a hobbyist. It has been a long time since have put out a tutorial on GS.

I was able to solve the crash issue in 4.12 and GenericShooter now works again in 4.12.4 - however i have a rotation issue with the first person arms where they move into the opposite direction when looking up/down, ultimately shifting out of the camera view/infront of the camera.

, still having a problem with GS and 4.12. How was the trip to Hawaii???

4.12.4 works fine for me now. Was able to solve all issues