To easily update, its best if you make all your changes in child classes instead of changing base Generic Shooter blueprints, i.e. creating your own weapon blueprints.
Usually it takes 2-3 days. Its now taken 2 weeks and I don’t really know the status of it. I’m trying to find out and get it out as soon as possible, but its out of my hands now.
C++ Changes? You might not be linking against an OnlineSubsystem module. In your project’s Build.cs file, make sure you do so by having something that looks like this:
// Uncomment if you are using online features
if ((Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32) || (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64) || (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux))
if (UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileSteamOSS == true)
Pure BP projects package against the OnlineSubsystem but C++ projects do not by default.
Helo, could please anyone explain why I can’t move first person arms in BP_PlayerCharacter by blueprints and I can do that with lets say MESH or Camera?
, thanks for the update, and how to implement Network Connection of? and still would like to be able to create several classes of characters with different weapons, Dimensions search speed, and so on) and still would like to know how to do physics replicated? I have it does not correspond to reality.
Hi . Did you consider finally what with the Secondary Fire? And this is not funny but we waiting over one year for promised tutorials on Basic Projectile Weapon, Animation and Menu. Can you tell us when we can expect it? Thank you.
where is the generic platform tools found or when/where will it be released?
ammarr: kind of lacking on the sentence structure there just a bit, but I guess I understand what you want to know.
There is a “Generic Player Start” which allows you to place spawn points anywhere in your maps and set that spawn point to spawn ANY or a team you have defined. so yes you can set location of spawns for each team.
Thanks for everything , GS has realyl helped.
Just wanted advice on unlimited weapon slots / no slot system. i want it to work like UT
Would it be better to create a slot for each weapon and just copy paste what you already have for the existing 4 slots?
Hi . Finally we tried online using Steam. Unfortunatelly, it doest work properly. The server player can play well, but the join player is unable to change weapon. Also cannot pickup any weapon. Server player cannot see the joining player moving, but joining player can see the server player moving.
Please excuse this if you are already aware, but it seems like the looped fire sounds still continue to play on clients, even when looped sound box is checked.
Hey, I just bought your game but upon trying to build the game on a device, it does not seem to be running.
I am getting 100 errors which are all similar to this:
package org.apache.http does not exist
LogPlayLevel: [javac] import org.apache.http.HttpException;
package org.apache.http does not exist
LogPlayLevel: [javac] import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
package org.apache.http.client.utils does not exist
LogPlayLevel: [javac] import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils;
package org.apache.http does not exist
LogPlayLevel: [javac] import org.apache.http.Header;
I’ve read that I need to include the org.apache.http.legacy.jar dependency in the project, but this project is fully Blueprint based, so I am unaware of how to do this without a build.cs file. Is there an easy way to do this?
Edit: Fixed! Just introduce the library into Unreal Engine’s build folder :).
Hi Michael,
was wondering if the update to 4.12 also breaks some of your nodes in the blueprints. I was testing 4.12 due to a transparency bug in 4.11 and once i updated i had quite a few blueprints breaking due to certain nodes no longer being connected. In particular 4.12 doesn’t seem to like the To Upper Node when setting the game-mode. Also, Clear Timer by Handle is deprecated now. Would be great if you could document the changes here for 4.12 for those of us who use a heavily modified version and cannot update by just downloading.
Hey everyone, so I’m trying to share little simple things I come up with I know other beginners are struggling with that help make their game how they want it, and below is how I made a simple camera shake for my character when they walk. I found it was pretty simple and to me made a drastic improvement into the look and feel of my own game.
I have been doing as much of my code in a Child Blueprint as I can so I don’t have to redo so much when makes updates, and the following is in my child character blueprint. As you can see here I am keying off of the parent tick function and I am shaking the camera based on my level of acceleration. I want it to shake less when walking and more when running or sprinting. I figure that out based on walk speed. and queue that up to client play camera shake
Then I just made a copy of the camera shake already in the shooter blueprint and modified it as so to make a new camera shake for walking. I am still tweaking the settings to get them just how I like it, but feel free to use the following as a pretty good starting point from what I have found. It matches up with what I am doing pretty well. After you do this return to the blueprint and point the client play camera shake to your own and that is it. Pretty simple and I am happy with the result. Looks better than some of the more elaborate animations I was doing as well.
Found I was getting an access none error on this, add the Is Valid check just before client checking get casted controller and it will get rid of the error.
Hey everyone! First off, the obligatory “i’m a n00b plz help” admittance…
I’ve working my way through how to customize everything in the GS template but for the life of me I can’t figure out how to add my own custom hat. I’ve traced the blueprints out to where the variable “hat id” is being changed through the menu blueprints but not where the hat id is being assigned to a mesh or how to add my own. Can someone point me in the right direction? Any and all help would be appreciated! Thank you!