Hi guys, not sure if my issue is related to Generic shooter.
I have a critical issue atm, like half of my UI is not usable. When launching the build, all my programs seem to reduce to taskbar (which didn’t happen before) and only half of my screen is recognized when playing the game ! Everything was fine before ! And If you try to click on these “not avaible spaces” you turn back to windows desktop. I’m pretty sure that’s a stupid setting but I got stuck googling. I’m using 4.13.2
Could not realy tell what “before” was like, I was using 4.12.5, updated, added STEAM ? Is it related? Looks like it doesn’t get the right resolution by default, and it’s getting stuck with windows.
Any help ? I know this sounds like non sense question but I can’t believe this just happened. C++ project, steam integration, and based on Generic Shooter by .
Oh and issues tend to differ when launching on different pc. Like the UI is not at the same place as the mouse. Going mad right now.
Tips would be REALLY WELCOMED !
@markmze : Did you try without steam integration or anything else?
I had a windows resolution problem when I migratted from 4.12 to 4.13. Like you half of my screen seems to recognized. I enter " r.SetRes 1024x768w " in console panel and quit to save the setting. Everything works fine since.
@zuert thanks, you’re right, this works, but only at the moment ! When repackaging, this issue will happen again, and on other computers trying to play as well !
Ok, thanks again, I’m now fixing it with blueprint, on the menu map. I execute command to leave fullscreen as a blueprint “onBegin”. Seems good. But I don’t find it clean. As an example, when I create a new genericshooter project (without steam or anything) on 4.13, same issue is happening (while there was no migration or stuff added, and genericshooter is up to date). I think the issue is deeper, and I don’t really like these kind of fix. Oh, and btw, if I run the game in the editor as standalone, it’s perfect. Fullscreen, resolution fitting the windows settings, and everything is good. I don’t know what’s happening but this little fix should work for some time.
In the end it’s an issue about how genericshooter deal with player resolution when enabling fullscreen at launch (I think there’s something with dualscreen as well)… I’ll let all you know more if I get more informations.
Has anyone fixed the crouch bug?
nevermind, fixed
Please tell me there is an easier way to setup ADS. Trying to get a proper setup on just one model is a complete nightmare. Using the widget that is supposed to make it easier…it’s not. Anyone have a blueprint snippet that works better or something? …Please?
Although my question is more focused on the editor/engine itself, how would I go about renaming the GenericShooter folder to something else?
Every time I rename it, it duplicates everything onto a new folder with the new name (doesn’t delete the GenericShooter folder), but then the game is completely broken (can’t look left and right and I get a bunch of errors).
I’ve tried fixing up the redirectors but that didn’t do anything.
Anyone can point me in the right direction on how i could go about doing this?
I’m also having the resolution issue. The game starts in 1920x1080 but my screens native resolution is 1360x768, this somehow causes half of the screen not being usable in a packaged game. All is visible, but mouse is getting blocked when the difference in resolutions start.
Hi @ I’ve got a problem on the new 4.14.1 version
If not for only but for everyone here, so maybe you know why this happens to me!
Could you guys please tell me if this is a common behaviour aswell in your builds?
1.- 4 clients [dedi or not] (not necesarily 4, but with 4 we will be sure).
2.- Press Play (on PIE!)
3.- Situation 1: All the clients spawn normally and can move.
3.- Situation 2: All the clients spawn but some of them cannot move.
4.- If Situation 1 has occoured after killing all the clients using weapons (or whatever your level has), after their spawn some of this clients won’t move, being again in situation 2.
This happens to us on a RAW project I share with a friend. (Legal copy)
Running on 4.14.1
Disable or reduce the camera lag setted up on the First Person Arms in the PlayerCharacter
Hi I can see that you have created a couple of demos for the HTC Vive and was wondering if you plan at some point in the future of adding VR with motion controller support for Generic Shooter?
The best way (and afaik the most correct way in any game) is to set up proper poses in an animation package. The built in offsets are sort of a ‘temp fix for the lazy’ who don’t bring in perfectly aligned anim poses.
That unfortunately is a downside of Unreal. It is pretty hard to move a project’s top level folder. The best thing you could do is perform a move in the editor, then go through all the config files and replace any path references, then fix up all redirectors, but most likely you are going to suffer from broken path names to structs. There is a redirect system you can use in configs to help fix this, but I don’t know enough about that system to cleanly handle every case of the migration. The Epic docs on the active class redirect system are just simply… not enough.
This seems to be more of an issue with the latest version of the engine. Next GS update will move the resolution logic to a much better system. For now, you can open up the FVideoSettings struct and set the default to something not 1920x1080.
This is an extremely rare bug and so far only 3 people out of everyone are affected by it (or at least reported it), and I honestly don’t know what the problem is. This affected me as well, but then it mysteriously went away while using the same exact build? As soon as I can figure this out or if someone else does, a fix will be applied and an update will go out immediately.
I’m still thinking about this. For now, assume not.
Tnx, I’ll check out the FVideoSettings struct.
awesome pack, just bought it in the christmas sale and love it.
Unfortunatly I have an problem with new character models. I followed your tutorial video but for some reason I can’t kill players using the new mesh. Using the template mesh you provided still workes fine.
I tried adding the Military Character Dark (Military Character Dark in Characters - UE Marketplace) to a 4.13 project. Animations and everything works fine but there is for some reason no hit dedection. Do you or anyone else know how to solve this?
Guys, I need help, I packed the game for windows, but when I went to test to play I had this error.
How to solve it, I need a lot of help, I do not know what to do
I don’t get the point with “Generic Platform Tools”, is it just the use of the “Advanced Session” plugin, or is it more and if so where can I find it ?
How do i add the ak47 to this template?
Tutorial in progress