Generic Shooter: Support Thread

Any reason why there are so many compiling errors when you try to duplicate a player class or player controller class? It keeps saying a function does not exist.

I’m using blueprinted actors that contain widget components which allow putting UMG widgets onto 3D Planes placeable in the world.

Unfortunately destructible meshes aren’t replicated in Unreal Engine. This might be mitigated slightly by simulating the event that causes the damage, but without engine work they will always have a degree of not being in sync. This is something I don’t plan to address any time soon, as its generally understood that Unreal Engine physics replication is limited in some aspects such as this.

I think theres some blueprint bugs related to copy pasting certain types of references, in that they utterly break on paste.

I recommend making child of classes and overriding functionality much more than duplicating classes. This avoids the problem altogether. If you need to duplicate a blueprint, you’ll need to fix up references yourself unfortunately.

A thorough breakdown of how the main menu is set up would be nice, I’ve spent hours running through it and it’s difficult to wrap my head around. It’s so much more complex than the system I had before, with all the layering and parenting and what not. Otherwise this project is pretty top notch!

The menu is definitely a bit complex, enabling gamepad and keyboard support in 4.8 for 3d widgets turned out to be kind of a pain in the butt. Also, I prefer data driven menus over manual creation, so there are a lot of programmatic things going on that aren’t clear at first glance, for example, the button bars (back button thats also sometimes next/back). I do plan on doing an overview at some point, but the core of this is the shooter part, which will be my priority.

i am going to be completely honest i am still very green when it comes to ue4 but i was a little confused when i went to import this to my project and it made a new one ? is there a way to import the assets to my project ?

Unfortunately no, theres a lot of config options that are needed and the launcher can’t merge them. You can migrate the assets to your project if you’re familiar with how to diff text files, because then you can diff my configs with yours and merge them.

Ah OK, it all makes sense now, any tips on how to simulate an event that causes damage?

I haven’t messed with destruction before, but is there a function you can call using a multicast event?

I can’t remember if I asked this somewhere else, but could you do some tutorials on setting up a game mode?

Checked it over and this is what the Shooter sample should have been. :wink:

two things?

Can you do a how to as to replacing the stock player model with a custom player model and animations?

Can you explain or make a version that installs under the Content root directory?

P.S. If it matters we will be using more or less 100% root motion

Hahaha ok good I was wondering about the mutant double headed player character as well.

Love this, This may be a few dumb questions but using this as a base to start from. Has anyone tried to add other blueprints, Add custom characters, and change out and or add some animations.

Also is there a zoom when aiming in the works not to mention sniper rifle.

This saves weeks if not months to get a working Prototype like this. Thanks alot. I was going to start from scratch every bit.

Now all I have to do is build on it.

Zoom is planned but not in yet. Sniper rifles are planned for the far future but won’t be done any time soon. New character definition tutorial is coming soon. I hope to write up more about the animation system but essentially it’d just be the same as the tutorials that already exist for anim blueprints.

Are there Steam options buried inside the project or just the normal UE oss settings that need to be set up?

I tuned in to your stream, asked about it, and all you said was that if we wanted to use Steam we should be doing C++?

Unfortunately, as an artist, my C++ skills are not great and my isp (Detroit Comcast) is a pita when it comes to external ip connections and Steam makes connections very simple.
(I am fully aware C++ is required to get full Steam functionality but I would prefer to get further down the road before I need to hire an experienced coder.)

Just normal UE oss stuff needs set up. For proper testing, packaged builds should be used for multiplayer, although uncooked will work. Because packaging won’t work until 4.8.1, I’ve delayed the Steam tutorial until that is resolved.

Tutorial added: Adding a custom character

Thanks . Awesome stuff.

  1. A few questions. Are there no decal spawning options in the projectile weapon?
  2. Might make sense to have two fire sounds in the template (one for the person firing and one that is replicated to people around you (might want this to sound a bit different))
  3. When you release future updates. Any thoughts on how we can make sure they can get consumed. I am in the middle of adding/changing the core of alot of functions but would like to use any updates you have. Do you think you could release a brief overview of what has changed for each major update you do?

Thanks again, best purchase so far.


  1. Thought I added one, maybe I didn’t. I’ll make sure one is exposed in the next update.
  2. This is usually achieved in the sound cue itself. Epic used a Crossfade by Distance in ShooterGame but I found that to create weird duplicate noises so I didn’t include it in GenericShooter. The best way imo is to create a node that choose a sound based on whether or not the player is local, and if local, play a better stereo sound, or if no local, play mono so that it can be spatialized. Unfortunately including this behavior can only be done in C++ atm. There is the option of playing two different sound cues but I find that messy and requires 2 sound cues when 1 could do.
  3. The best way to safely merge updates is to not change any files in the project. You can do this by making sure your blueprints are either duplicates or children of mine. Children are probably better. Then when you want to change something, simply override it in the child. This way you can copy paste updates in and any custom behavior in your children will remain. I know this isn’t the best in all cases, but I’m not going to reinvent the marketplace update mechanic either. I plan on doing a brief overview for sure, but it might be too brief. We’ll see when the first update is done, I imagine all hell is going to break loose.

Hell breaking lose is good… means people are actually using the stuff :).

As long as you do some form of high-level overview of what you are changing Ill take on integrating it to my own mess…

BTW was working on integrating the decal system from the market place. For some strange reason when you add it to your project it all gets unstable and crashes when you open blueprints. Prob not your issue (decals has not upgrades to 4.8) but just for peoples information.


Ungh, ok, thank you for the clarification.

Yes, I was attempting a cooked build to send to others.

Yeah, the 4.8 packaging issue is rather unfortunate. It packaged fine in preview builds but 4.8 proper started seeing it. It even got through Epic’s QA.