I’m now seeing reports from some users about this, others are able to package just fine. I’m investigating this issue right now. @ has a workaround for people who compiled the engine from source code, but I’m looking to find a real fix first. Seems to only occur in the most recent 4.8 builds, not earlier 4.8 preview builds. As soon as I know something, I’ll let you know.
I’ve updated the first post with this warning.
Actually about to start streaming, if you want to watch progress on this issue.
So it looks like this issue came up in 4.8 and is solved in 4.8.1, so please wait until 4.8.1 before trying to package. I know thats really annoying, but thats the best I can do, since this is an engine fix and not a blueprint asset fix. However, if you have built the engine from C++, you can grab the fix here: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/a1247009f0cb3a300e18001f81e000307a14cb58
Hi ,
Since you mentioned that you where planning on making a video tutorial on PROJECTILE weapon, could you show us how to make a BASIC and HOMING projectile weapon? Thanks.
I don’t have homing support built in, but the projectile movement component should be able to do that without too much issue. You just need to enable the homing checkbox and then set a target actor. How you set that target actor is a different mechanic altogether though. I’ll add this onto my list of things to consider for future updates. Tutorial is coming for grenade launchers and rocket launchers. Quick ‘point in the right direction’ though is those can be subclassed the same as the Rifle blueprint and if you subclass the projectile classes, you can tweak those settings.
Guys - Anybody had any luck getting this to work with the Animset Pro packages that has not upgrades to 4.8. I tried the Retargeting but it does not look very good.
This addon said there was an update so I did. Now my custom weapons are all messed up. The aiming offsets are all reset and is also showing the default meshed on top of my custom ones. Checked the settings and it seems fine. Not sure whats going on.
Instead of Retargeting, bulk import the animations using your preferred skeleton (new 4.8 skeleton works).
If the animations still look ‘off’ make sure you have appropriate ‘Translation Retargeting’ set (find this option by checking the option while viewing the skeleton).
Depending on your mesh, the animations etc, you may have to experiment with the Translation.
My current setup is using mostly ‘Skeleton’, the arm twists and Root are using ‘Animation’, pelvis, foot_l, foot_r and all ‘ik’ bones are set to ‘AnimationScaled’.
I honestly don’t know what went into this update. I haven’t pushed an update, but I got an update myself and went “woah”. I’m thinking your settings might have been reset?
The weapons fire off AnimMontages in the variables you can config. Pawn based anims are located in the animation blueprint. Should be able to shove your anims into those things.
The prototype player mesh in my game for some reason has two heads. If I watch really closely at the start of the game it has one, but then BAM two! Anyone know what’s going on? Started happening using Bob from this project.
Yeah… thats normal. xD. In a last second ruling that I couldn’t use the 4.7 mannequin because this is a 4.8 project, I had to quickly come up with a “new character” to show off character swapping ability. I took his and and deformed him a bit randomly and then shipped it. That is Bob Blueprint. If you want to switch to the regular mannequin, Plate, open up the Menu map, hit Play, and use the Customize Character menu to swap to Plate.
Yeah, if theres any network lag, it takes time for a player’s saved data to replicate across a network. This is usually mitgated with a ‘load in’ or a ‘lobby’ screen in games, but that feature is not currently present in this and when you join you immediately spawn in. A lobby system is planned though, which would mask this “switch” or “popping” effect
i found simple fix - you need to replace UE4Game.exe at \WindowsNoEditor\Engine\Binaries\Win64\ in folder of packaged game.
just took UE4Game.exe from http://www.michaelallar.com/GenericShooterDemo.zip and replace old, packaged game stop crashing.
also you can try this link
Thats a… really not recommended fix. I don’t officially support this. But hey, if it works.
The reason this works is because the demo was made with a preview build of 4.8 that didn’t have this bug introduced. Luckily it works because this is a blueprint only project and by sheer luck you aren’t getting any functionality conflicts. So again, highly not recommended, but I won’t stop you, I’m not a cop. Also, you are clever.
Hiya quick question. How does your main menu work? I see you have a Gametype for it but how are you actually getting the menu itself to appear and the text? The only way ive seen to make menus is like this
Question about Destructible meshes not showing up on multiplayer
I just bought this and it is awesome great job, question though when I run 2 clients I do not see the destruction on the second screen, is there a way to fix this or do you plan on fixing it in the future?
hello i am new to all this i was wondering is there a way to add to my project seeing as when i click ad to my project it makes a new one any help with this as i say im really really fresh of the boat as such so any help would be gladly accepted .