Generic Shooter: Support Thread

I got a problem on multiplayer when player spawning it’s has no cooldown (imortal for a second) how to set it ?

I don’t recall reading this in the list of features … if it is there then my bad … but if it isn’t … you would have to create this feature yourself. There are several approaches you could take here and they could involve some form of sphere trigger that prevents damage going through, a flag on a user that you check when applying damage, giving the player 5 times the health for the second, implementing tele-fragging … the list goes on.

Good luck.

qdelpeche is right. There is no form of spawn protection at the moment.

I’ll consider adding one into the next update. This has been added to the development trello. Trello

Thank you and one more question

I add my own object to your asset and When I shot it, It’s appear like this pic.

Please tell me how to change it, Thank you

Yup, that means your materials don’t have physical materials assigned to them. If you assign them from the physical materials I supplied, you’ll have proper impacts.

Hey Michael.

Im the one that was requesting the map adding tutorial.

  1. the gitup link to fix the issue is not working
  2. will the updates you put into the project in the future be easy to add if im working on a project?

and 3. personally i would have paid 40-60$ for all that you are doing whit this project.

Good Afternoon .

Have to say 10/10 with this marketplace asset :slight_smile: is it possible to give us a rough idea on how to assign new levels to choose from in the menu would be much appreciated Thanks

Ok I’ve solve it! Thank you so much!

  1. Please define “not working”
  2. I highly recommend using child blueprints or duplicates of blueprints instead of editing the assets I give you directly, because if you make children or duplicates and override behavior instead of overwrite behavior, updates should work reasonably well. When you edit the files I supply you with and I push an update, bad things may happen. Unfortunately there isn’t really a clean way around this due to how the marketplace launcher updates things. To use an update though, you would have to create a new project and then manually copy the new files over your current files, so there shouldn’t be a risk of me pushing your update and you finding out your project is broken unless you pull in the files yourself.
  3. Yeah dawg. Easier to sell in volume and to combat piracy with a lower price though. I’m hoping that less people would try to pirate it by going “hmm, this is actually worth more than $20”. I may raise the price with future updates though, if possible, so thanks for getting in early. Any price updates shouldn’t affect anyone who already owns it.

I have already posted a tutorial on this, which I linked to you in the twitch chat you just joined. :D. I forgot to post an update in this thread saying I did so, my bad, but its now on the front post as well.

I agree 100% with 3. - Want to make sure we all support your hard efforts and work. Maybe there is a premium model for expansion packages where you can pay a bit extra for additional support in integrating updates into our games. Or something. Think about it.

This is very very good work.


ZOOM is coming :slight_smile:

I have all my locomotion animations for none weapons I plan to just add them to what you have thanks.

yeh same here. people gonna get mad but as the project gets more in depth you need to charge more because it is a wealth of content.

I have paid more on the unity asset store for way less.

Props to you . Just picked up the asset from the marketplace and I will be studying it for my own blueprints project. Seriously I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the work you have done here. Rock on dude…

FYI I also up voted it on GreenLight

Hey - . 2 quick questions.

Trying to figure out how/what you use ADS_Position for. Can you give me a quick description?
Is there a reason/benefits why you use BlendSpace vs. AimOffset for the gun aiming?


Im trying to figure out how to disable the third person camera and as well as how to add the FOV change when zoomed it, but Im not sure how to do either of those because there is no firstperson camera (just and thirdperson).

first I wanted to say thank you for this! its awesome! so far th eonly problem I am running into is when I made a new weapon ( I followed your tut video on that ) it will only play the new sound cue on the first few shots and then it stops playing them, still fires just no sound, I am using the military weap silver, assulat rifle, any help would be great! thanks again for such a great UE4 market pack!

Ok so can we switch out default character to a fuse character and how?

Awwww yeah.

Thanks dawg.

ADS Position is a blend between not ADS and full ADS, basically, some weapons can have a different hip to ADS time and ADS Position will reflect this, and should always be between 0 and 1. 0 for hipfire, 1 for aim down sight.

There isn’t really any real reason I chose to use BlendSpaces over AimOffsets

Check out the player camera manager blueprint, first person just sets the view to the player’s position plus its eye height. That would also be the best place to start adding FOV changes.

A viewer on my twitch channel was able to do it successfully by following the video tutorial on the second post of this thread. I haven’t tried Fuse characters myself, but he got his working.

BAM! Pulled the trigger and bought this from the market.

I’m pretty new to Unreal(been learning and playing with it for the past week). Just wondering if you have any plans to do tutorials on the blueprints you made? Things like weapon pickup on input, etc,etc.

I followed your youtube channel and hoping I see some!

Now its time to play with this thing :smiley:

Regarding future functions. Do you have any requests for a structure for projectile driven special damage effects. i.e. 0.5% chance target catches on fire or gets pushed by a gravity pulse. I assume could be productized with some cool parameters that spawns a blueprint on impact.