Generic Shooter: Support Thread

How would I go about allowing two primary weapons?

I Assume changing a second slot to primary wouldn’t work.


How can I open the console in game?

In the video it was working!

Can my friends connect via. direct IP… (Not just Lan game)

It seems no one is able to use this as real Multiplayer just for Lan Games…
People are asking since over a year how to solve this problems, but the promised tutorial is still not posted.

I am a bit sad, I bought this for Multiplayer over Internet and it’s just for LAN, because no one is able to run his project over this Steam implementation and
like it seems, you can’t even connect via direct IP…

Connection via direct IP is even in the UDK 3 standard Multiplayer solution.

There must be some easier way to align these weapons to the character. I have been doing it with trial and error … ***lots ***of error. The weapon just doesnt seem to move in the direction or rotation i think it should go.
In my little video, I have the weapon ALMOST lined up (only took me two days to get this far). I need to roll the rifle to the right a little bit. So I have a rifle in the editor, I roll it and the X rotation is what changes. So i the Weapon Offsets, I change the X rotation which actually MOVES the rifle. I guess I must be misunderstanding where these offsets are coming into play, I thought it seemed pretty straightforward. BTW> I am using the weapons from FPS Kit #2 and I had to export/flip/import the meshes.

So, could I get some insight on how to move a weapon into the correct alignment, please.


Afaik Generic Platform tools will solve all of this, steam stuff, ded server stuff. I think it’s still WIP, but seemed to have it pretty well functioning a while ago, so just have to wait!

Is it possible to connect via. direct IP now?
Would be a good help and how can I open the console?

People are waiting almost one year…

How can I add the effects (shooting @glass, wood…) to the materials I use?

For future bug fixes I’ll take screenshots if the bug is a trivial fix. I should have probably been doing this sooner, sorry about that.

Lmao no way. Absolutely not intentional and is related to how the preview sphere is unwrapped. I’ll try to… not make that a thing in a future update.

Currently dual-wielding isn’t easily supported. I’d like to re-do the weapon equip system in the future to allow such support, but at the moment I can’t say it’d be easy or help out too much.

Aye, this is definitely a tricky topic especially with the most recent changes to the Epic skeleton. I have a solid pipeline now for solving this using Maya and the A.R.T. tool and I’m going to upload a video about it after GDC (in two weeks). Its tricky because the hand bones provided by Epic have their orientation flipped 180. I used to flip the socket 180 to correct this but then I got tons of emails asking why weapons rigged to the skeleton appear flipped. I reversed the socket and now I get some (much fewer) emails about why the socket isn’t facing the right direction / why weapons need to be flipped. Lesser of two evils I suppose.

General pipeline is that weapons should face +X on export, and then have a reference pose that rotates and moves them into the correct position based on the Epic skeleton. Easiest way to do this is in your 3d animation package (Maya here for reference), put the weapon mesh in an empty group/scene node/dummy object, zero out the weapon relative to the dummy object, then snap the dummy object to the skeleton’s hand bone. Lock the dummy object to the hand bone’s position and orientation, then offset the weapon relative to the dummy object to get it into position. Once you have it how you want it, detatch the empty group from the hand bone then zero out the dummy object position and rotation. Then detach the weapon from the dummy object, delete the dummy object, and export the weapon’s pose as a single frame animation. Use this single frame animation as your reference pose in your animation blueprints. See the animation blueprints I provide as an example. If you need to translate your weapon, make sure your weapon’s skeleton allows translation of the root bone as I believe this might be off or set to rotation only be default. You should then have your weapon lined up how you want it without needing any offsets (all zeroed out). The offsets are more for slight adjustments for different weapons using the same skeleton or for those who don’t want to touch an animation package at all.

Yes, it has always been possible to connect via IP using Epic’s standard way, using ‘open X.X.X.X’ in console.
Also, console is the standard key across many engines, “`”, aka Grave, Tilde, or “the key next to the 1 key”. You can also change the console key in the project settings.

Impact effects are handled by the blueprint class BP_DefaultImpactEffect. Make sure your materials have proper physical materials assigned to them.

If the tutorial you’re talking about is the Steam series of tutorials, people have been awaiting Epic Steam documentation for a very long time as well. I made a guide to setting up Steam here: Enabling UE4's Steam Integration . This is not a Generic Shooter specific process, this is the same for any project, so any Steam documentation can be used. Generic Shooter already has session logic in place so you don’t need to worry about session management, which means all the online functionality is dependent on the OnlineSubsystem you use. OnlineSubsystems are not specific to Generic Shooter and any documentation for them is relevant for both Generic Shooter and any other project.

Thanks for the answer, .

I think I found the key, its the “Einfg” button by default on my Laptop!

So I can connect to other computers outside the LAN or only inside LAN?

I don’t understand what you mean. I have a wooden floor for example, used material from example content, how can I add the effect that when I shoot to the floor I see the bullet holes?

If I use your material it works, but I want to use other materials (not this cubed, coloured example material).

Another question, how can I change the menu names?
I tried, but after “building” I read some errors, that I have to change blueprints too?

That’s not correct. It has the Steam Integration already done for you and it works perfectly.

Ok, since I read all postings it seemed for me, that no one was able to use it, because all wrote they tried and did not succeed.

So if I run into some trouble, I hope to see you again in this thread :wink:

Thanks for the answer, .

I think I found the key, its the “Einfg” button by default on my Laptop!

So I can connect to other computers outside the LAN or only inside LAN?

I don’t understand what you mean. I have a wooden floor for example, used material from example content, how can I add the effect that when I shoot to the floor I see the bullet holes?

If I use your material it works, but I want to use other materials (not this cubed, coloured example material).

Another question, how can I change the menu names?
I tried, but after “building” I read some errors, that I have to change blueprints too?

Noted :slight_smile: I’ll use the Forums in future instead of double posting here and Slack or just using Slack.

And on that, would you mind answering this Slack post from 2016-02-14?

I’d like to have my player pawn fly just like a spectator, but still have their player model.
@ For POINT CLICK ILL I’d like to know what is the best way to do this: Character pawn - Spectator like motion and / or Descent / full flight style but with player hitbox - Character pawn - Spectator like motion and / or Descent / full flight style but with player hitbox - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums
I am trying to tweak motion in my Feb 2016 #UE4JAM game POINT CLICK ILL: Sneeze your way to victory, the family friendly laser tag / “instagib” game. The Generic Shooter Template is what I am using as the starting point. Currently the character pawn is set to fly and I has a jetpack which provides upward / downward motion with Space and Ctrl respectively. This is not the actual motion I want, but it was the best I could do before deadline. I would like two trial two additional [movement mechanics - descent style and spectating style] (For some reason my Slack post got truncated?)

I realise @ that you are at GDC at the moment, so whenever you get a chance, that’d be great.


Oh god, why was the price further increased by 20€?

I was seriously considering purchasing this project as a base, but its price is becoming increasingly prohibitive

The marginal price increase shouldn’t stop you from buying it.

It is worth every dollar / euro / unit of currency.

@ spends so much time improving it, it is worth it.

Seems to me increases the price every time a major feature / rework / update is shipped. What changed recently? Just a couple days ago it was sitting at 50€

I recall @ mentioning on his twitch that he had updated a few things (cannot recall what right now) and was waiting for moderation for the update to be released.

EDIT: Might have been better steam integration??

agreed., i was on the fence a few weeks ago at $45. then when i finally decided on this package over the c++ fps template, the price had increased to $65 (or whatever it is).

while i am still learning the blueprints(been a Unity3d user for years), its slow for me. but this is a very complete and well done project, worth the price. and personal contact with the developer is priceless.

start your project with this and here is what is done for you already:
network replication
weapon templates for rifle, pistol, grenade launcher, rpg., and melee is mentioned so it shouldnt be hard to insert. create new weapon, set damage range at 1meter. done., basically :wink:
drop in custom characters.
round timers, score limits
team templates
gamemode templates.
map voting for next round
multiplayer hosting, joining, searching.
customization for screen,sound,character etc.

really, how long would it take to code all that from scratch? how much money is that time worth to you? less than $70 is a bargain … i can say that now that i own it after previously having the same doubts about the price and value

I see, @ShootingBlanks.

If you put it this way, it does look like a much better deal :o Guess I’ll be finalizing my purchase sometime next week

This is awesome… This has saved me tons of time and taught me a lot. Had a few issues though… While in third person the rocket launcher is facing the opposite direction and for some reason the gamemodes are being listed in the scoreboard.

Ok so someone please correct me if I am wrong…
But what I did to fix the scoreboard was I saw that In the GetGameModeName function the last node was disconnect from the return node. I also saw that the variable type was text and not string, so what I did was change the variable type from text to sting and connected the return node. Voilà scoreboard was fixed.

No all you have to do is assign the physical material you want to use. Open the material you would like to add the effect to in the material editor. Then all you have to do is assign a physical material to the material itself and that is it, the effects should work.


Trying to set up a Mixamo character to the UE4 skeleton but keeps saying “Failed to Merge”. Tried following - YouTube But can’t seem to get it working.


No matter what i have tried with this, i cannot get it to run on multiplayer. Running on PIE works fine, once built anyone attempting to connect through online (Steam) through the server browser can find the server, but when attempting to join it just exits them back to the main menu. I followed allars blog about steam integration, but to no avail. I have redone the onlinesubsystem also didn’t work.
Have seen other posts about having problems getting this running online, then others say it works fine, maybe i am doing something wrong?