Generic Shooter: Support Thread

I’ve been playing with this system a lot over the last few days and I have to say, there is a lot of good stuff here. I understand blueprints fairly well so its been pretty breezy going through your set up (though some of the multiplayer stuff blows over my head).

Things I have easily been able to achieve with this asset: Zombie AI, Updating kills and score with Zombie AI, Single Player game mode, Coop game mode, a bunch of QOL modifications.

I am not going to continue modding the asset until we nail down our exact needs but I am very happy with my purchase.

Some of the stuff that I did that I think you should add in natively (for the benefit of your customers):
-Score (from kills is the simplest)
-Simple Zombie ai (I duplicated the Player Blueprint, stripped it of everything but health/Damage data, modded your score kill stuff, and did all the AI stuff on the AI_Controller)
-Coop GameMode - up to four players, simple zombie AI spawns on a map.

Stuff that you absolutely should do…
-Melee (as a weapon not quick melee): Not difficult to code but will be a pain in the butt to go back through your weapon blueprint and set the "if (melee weapon = true) branches with out accidentaly messing something up. I assume this is why you haven’t done it yet (or maybe its a lack of an animation?). I noticed there is a melee weapon slot though. Pretty sure this is something most people would like. Maybe it would be better to just nullify the base weapon blueprint while a melee weapon is equipped and do all logic on the player character blueprint? Would save a lot of hassle. I didn’t do this myself because I am scared of ******** up replication just yet.

Change teams in Lobby or after death: pretty self explanatory.

Group System: Group up with your friends (steam example?) and join/host a lobby.

-More Tutorials: Just lots and lots of these. You have a lot of the functionality here but some tutorials explaining the bits a pieces would be nice (Particularly networking stuff). For example, the wind up and wind down stuff, can that be used for mini guns? If so How? Or, how to set up dedicated servers, etc.

Things that would be nice to have…
Loadout/CharacterSelection (aka Medic/Engineer/Soldier/etc.) in the Lobby: For loadout I assume you would just save it in the Player State and then spawn the correct weapons upon respawn? For Character Selection I assume you would just call the Respawn function right after the game mode started and point to a custom player class. Can you have the default player class set to null in the game mode?

**Simple Ranged AI - **I plan on scripting my own ranged ai (not using your stuff) but I know a lot of people would just like an AI that uses everything you built into the player blueprint. This is A LOT more work than the simple Zombie AI I created though (which I don’t think people understand).

**Beam weapons **- just a laser weapon example :P.

@, could we get a changelog of what’s in the new update?

hi someday ago I buy you demo Generic shooter on ue4 marketplace,but it only use for 4.9& 4.10. SO, can you help me give4.81 and 4.83 UE4?
I already send you E-mail, you can put the download link back to my mail


These would be pretty awesome. I actually would second this suggestion here myself the most for sure: " Loadout/CharacterSelection (aka Medic/Engineer/Soldier/etc.) in the Lobby "

And per team as well. Basically assigning multiple, specifically created PlayerCharacters/Meshes per specific team, in any custom team you wish to create, Terrorists vs. Counterterrorists etc.

I’m having some problems packaging this to play around with. It seems to package without errors, but when it opens, it goes directly to a fullscreen black screen. It works fine in the editor.

Alt + enter doesn’t switch it to windowed mode, and I’m at a bit of a loss here as to what is wrong.

Are you on 4.11 ? I updated from 4.10 and have exactly the same problem after updating.

I cant believe no one has mentioned to add:

Player Ranks (Like Level: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., with an Icon)

Once ranks are added, I will totally be buying this asset :slight_smile:

Hi , can we have the solution of this bugfix, my game is made with an older version and I don’t want to add an “Any” spawn point.

Anyway to set this up so its a online 1-4player game mode where the enemy team is NPC’s and the NPC’s start & become hostile once a certain criteria has been set?

Update for 4.11???

Thanks for pointing this out. This might have broke on an engine upgrade. Should be addressed next update.

This generally means your bone names do not match. Try renaming your bones in Maya/Max/some 3d package first to match the Epic skeleton.

This really is a fickle issue that I’m having a hard time to support. All multiplayer logic and session stuff is done correctly, however there are a myriad of factors causing things to go awry. Sometimes people end up finding out a firewall was preventing things. Sometimes (especially when using Steam) they find that Epic’s use of Presence means they can’t find people in a one country but can find people in another, something I can address in C++ but not in BP. If you have any specific errors/warnings related to the issue, I can take a look.

Also, if you’re testing with Steam, be sure to use two or more computers/vms running two or more steam accounts. You can not test locally using the same Steam account. Steam is very anti-run-two-games-at-once. This also seems to be a common problem with people testing.

Score - There are things I want to do with this that are currently not exposed to BP. I’ve been waiting for these things to become exposed so I can do it ‘the right way’ (i.e. the way that’ll show your score when you do a Steam server ping and etc). I will make a place holder system though when I get around to adding new game modes.

Simple Zombie AI - This is often requested, but I won’t add it because AI is a slippery slope of support requests and honestly I can’t afford to.

Coop Game Mode - See above point. I may however make a seperate AI asset because clearly there is a hole in the marketplace for it. Someone will probably beat me to it. If anyone is reading this now, take this opportunity to possibly make some money.

Melee - I know, its going to happen. It hasn’t happened yet because if I do a hitscan melee, people will ask for animation driven melee. If I do animation driven melee, people will ask for physically simulated melee. If I do physically simulated melee, people will ask for hitscan melee. I’m still figuring out the best way to do this that will be best for everyone as well as be cost effective for me. I mean, by now you might have seen some of my custom animations and how bad of an animator I am.

Change teams mid-game: Easiest way to do this is to show the lobby mid-game. You can bind a key and have that call BP_HUD->ShowLobby. I’ll probably have this built in in the update after the 4.11 update. You can already change teams in the lobby, there are Join Team buttons.

Group System: Not happening native to this package, however goal is to do all the scaffolding so if you buy a C++ plugin that I swear some day I’ll release, most of the work is done for you. This won’t happen for a very very long time, and possibly never.

More tutorials: Yes, this is something Generic Shooter lacks very much. Unfortunately more documentation doesn’t equate to more sales however, and I’m not making enough money to pay rent and things to justify doing this. I build a tutorial or write documentation whenever I can however, which is the best I can currently do.

Loadouts: Maybe some day.

Simple Ranged AI: See Zombie AI, and multiply this by 100.

Beam weapons: I assume this means a multi-hit railgun type of weapon? Or do you mean something like the right click on UT’s link gun? If neither, you can just use an instant-hit with a crazy tracer particle effect and call it a beam weapon.

Support is getting expensive.

All change logs are posted in the first post. Sometimes Epic triggers an update somehow of Generic Shooter and everyone thinks I pushed out a new update but I haven’t. All updates I push are documented on the first post. If you don’t see a changelog for it, it wasn’t something I pushed and honestly I have no idea what gets pushed when Epic makes those changes.

I don’t have versions of these I support anymore. I’m sorry, I will only be supporting the most current engine version… which brings me to:

I’m working on it. 4.11 is giving me quite a few problems.

Please confirm what version you are on, and possibly ask me in the Generic Shooter Slack (first post). 4.11 is doing weird things.

I don’t think this is happening any time soon. Sorry.

This ended up being rather complicated. I think the best thing you can do right now is set your default player state team number to 0 instead of 255. Unfortunately this will do weird things on map travel at the end of the round. Blueprint seamless traveling is… annoying. Still working on a better solution.

Yes, you could set it up so when the game mode chooses a team for a player, make it so if they’re human join team 0 and if they’re not join team 1. How you handle the rest is up to you.

Generic Shooter is going on sale, 50% off. April 18th.

It doesn’t go on sale often. Last sale was a sneaky quick sale for two days 5 months ago.

If you bought it very recently, I’m sorry. I don’t think getting a refund and then buying it on sale is doable, but I’ll support you in trying to do so. I’m trying to get the word out as early as possible but my advertising power is pretty weak.


4.11 Update submitted.

i’ve been checking the market place for months now waiting for this to go on sale, and now you’ve updated it as well, catch you tomorrow :slight_smile:

I’ve been waiting for this, this is cool!

got it, just waiting for the 4.11 version to go live

Hi not sure if you’ll be able to help me but im trying to get a weapon from studios the XM8 to align properly ect and I’m having a real hard time doing so, do you have any experience with their weapon packs or? I’ve tried what your tutorials suggest but its just not working.

Ive got the xm8 working. When I get home later I can help you set it up. What issue are you having? First you will have to reimport the mesh and make it face the same direction as the rifle in the GS project. If I remember correctly the weapon socket is on the GS skeleton. I added the xm8 as preview once I had it facing the correct direction and adjusted the socket until it looked best. That helps how it looks in Third Person and gets it close in First Person. Then use the adjustments in the weapon blueprint to get it correct in First Person. I believe that is how I did it. Not sure if its best to adjust the socket but it worked great for me.

Scoreboard is now showing Game Modes now, but rocket launcher is still facing backwards in third person. I know I can just change the rotation and re-import, but it is facing the right way on the axis and is the only weapon to do that. Any ideas?

Converted my project that was using the 4.10 assets to 4.11.2 so far I noticed that it messed up the impact effects. That is the only thing that I have notice will post more if I find anything else screwy.

Found new bug (I think) where the input mode stays in UI only mode. If you remove the delayed started from any game mode the pawn spawn, but you are stuck moving the mouse cursor around.