That’s great, Thanks . As always thanks for the great product and great support.
Thank you !
I posted this on the store page, but I’m not sure how often that gets read… Is this a good blueprint to get for a single-player game? I tested out the demo and I really enjoyed the shooting mechanics. I really just want to use that part. Thanks!
You can search this thread, but you can modify it to be used / play as a single player game. There is no AI though, and I don’t think there are tentative plans to add an AI.
Yes, the easiest way I find to search through the thread is to just use archive view.
It’s a bit more primitive, but I can use my browsers search functionality then.
Grab the THREADID and put it into this link:
eg for this thread:
@: This might be of value for your top post of this thread?
PS Wanted to test @Mentions on you too
Hey Guys, i created a child class of BP_PlayerCharacter, and Attempted to make an AI Enemy out of it, and from what i found after enabling the show ray cast bool is that when the AI shoots while i use the Mobile fire button press Function to make him fire his weapon, the Ray Trace start location gets set to the origin or 0,0,0. Also, when i stood on the origin and had the ray traces hit me, no damage had been dealt. does anybody know how i could go about fixing this? or at least why it happens?
There is most likely some logic somewhere that assumes the controller is a PlayerController and not an AIController.
After my series of works on Steam, I’ll shift into some AI work. This could be a long way out though.
Update released.
2/29/2016: Cathartic Crouton Patch 1
- Change: Deep clean pass across all content
- Bugfix: Looping muzzle flashes don’t stop when running out of ammo
- Bugfix: Tracer rounds don’t have correct rotation on spawn
- Bugfix: Weapons dealing double damage in many cases
- Bugfix: Having only Team spawn points without any ‘Any’ spawn poitns causes ‘Can’t Find Player Start’
- Bugfix: Semi-auto weapons don’t respect Time Between Shots
Thank you for the quick response!
How do i turn off the camera shake when firing?
Is there any specific reason why the ADS Aimoffset can no longer be active when running? It only works when the character is standing still…
As soon as the character starts to move, the aimoffset changes to the hip fire.
And tested with a clean copy, only the generic shooter code, nothing else.
I believe you need ads animations for while running. There are only hip running / moving animations if I remember correctly. In my game I’ve replaced the animation blueprint with my own and made a movement blend for ads and one for hip.
any idea at all where/how can I add/change that?
Hi there,
I have been learning a lot thanks to this nice package, so thank you for creating it.
Now, i have an issue, i am implementing a double-jump using a launch after the first jump(nothing crazy indeed) to the player character, but somehow only the first client is able to jump, the others do see him but the launch is not happening.
I am confused as of why? Could somebody help?
Thank you very much!
I made an Aim Offset for the gun at Hip, Aim Offset for ADS, then a movement Blend space with gun at hip, and then one with the gun ADS, and then I used Generic Shooters Animation Blueprint as an example and made my own. For the Animations I used Mixamo’s as they are currently for a short time free, and I just watched and read lots of Tutorials. I recommend baby steps and make a copy of the Animation blue print and change it one piece at a time. That’s how I figured it out.
Double Jump is tricky, as I was trying to implement both it and sprinting in my game. What I found was only the first player could double jump because only the server was notified of the jump. So you have to notify the server and the client that the player is allowed to double jump for it to work. I had the exact same issue with my sprinting function and was able to solve that, which you can find earlier in this thread. There are search tools in the top of the threads have been life savers for me.
While I haven’t solved my double jump, I’ve moved onto other pieces of my game, the solution for double jump would be very similar to the sprinting as you have to do the notify functions and replicated variables. You just have to think of the networking as you code it. I hope that this helps you get started at least.
Once again this is for sprinting but below is the link I found that helped me resolve the networking issue for sprint:
Double Jump and Sprint, works in both Client and server, On custom event make sure its set to run on server and also added sprint key to input via project settings
, could you please post some screenshots for these bugfixes. I have heavily modified those blueprints and would like to check/compare mine against yours without going through all blueprints.
Hi , I bought it today, but the menu looks complete different, as in the video.
Is this a new menu?
(btw. the blue hat is green
I have another important question: Is it not possible to connect per direct IP???
Only Steam? I bought it because I thought at least connection via direct IP would work.
I read that no one is able to make it work with Steam, so I can’t connect with friends over Internet?