Generic Shooter: Support Thread

Actually I found the functions so just a bit of re-engineering I think

have you checked out Slack ?

Hi - I tried the slack page but I need to sign in - apparently I need an invite from the team? I did create an account myself but this just creates a new team not a login I join that page with - I did figure out the anims in the end but would like to join that channel on slack as I really like the generic shooter code alot

How is the performance of the networking?

Is it better to post questions in Slack or thread in Epic’s forum?

I enabled Steam in the project, however in the standalone build i am getting this error :

[2016.02.13-07.38.34:263] 1]LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Can’t start an online game for session (Game) that hasn’t been created
[2016.02.13-07.38.34:264] 1]r.SetRes = “1280x800w”
[2016.02.13-07.38.34:264] 1]LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Can’t destroy a null online session (Game)
[2016.02.13-07.38.45:952][446]LogPackageName: SearchForPackageOnDisk took 0.024s to resolve ValAllar.umap.
[2016.02.13-07.38.45:974][446]LogPackageName: SearchForPackageOnDisk took 0.021s to resolve ValAllar.umap.
[2016.02.13-07.38.45:974][446]LogNet: Browse: /Game/GenericShooter/Maps/ValAllar?game=DM?listen?RoundTime=10?KillLimit=10?ff=0
[2016.02.13-07.38.45:974][446]LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/GenericShooter/Maps/ValAllar?game=DM?listen?RoundTime=10?KillLimit=10?ff=0

No, i actually have an unique SteamID setup already - so the game also already downloads through Steam. Everything runs fine except for the server list in online-mode - Steam integration also looks good on the client, ingame overlay is there. According to that log message it even tries to start an online game - just getting this session error and the game does not show up in the server list.

I’d like to know what is the best way to do this: Character pawn - Spectator like motion and / or Descent / full flight style but with player hitbox

I bought it just some minutes ago, just started and everything works ! :smiley: Nice !
Now i will need to use some real textures and add a normal weapon and sound. Don’t know how because its the first time i use UE4, no idea about anything in this UE4 but yeah i hope best for myself.

If here is any german person, pls i need your help. Not doing everything for me but explaining a little.

Will this kit eventually support custom class making before the match starts and picking up weapons from killed enemies?
Would be a great feature would love to see it, other than that its a great kit.

Renaming Project Folder breaks networking.

Just going to leave that there for future reference.

I renamed the project folder to match the actual new project name as I was just originally using a working title.

It ran fine in PIE and also packaged fine.

When I used host game, it failed and dropped back to main menu.

Hi, here you can find what you are looking for. has prepared several tutorials. Good luck.

Has anyone tried to compile GS to run in HTML5?

How might I set up team specific player functions and character meshes? I would like one team to behave different from the other, as well as look different. I dont want the Customize Character options to have an effect on the one teams appearance, but I dont mind it for the other.

Hello, so I need to set up time between shots when the weapon is not automatic so like I can’t click like crazy and pistol will fire always.Setting up Winding down time seems as a good start but my weapon losts its ADS position when I have wind down time more than 0. And also how can I join GS slack community?

Click here to join GS Slack

In the Blueprint there is a config timing witch has wind up and wind down time

Not sure if this is what u want but good luck anyways.

I’m using Epic’s skeleton, provided with the ART tools. I’m not much of an animator so I don’t really know anything about any form of advanced rigging.

This is a known issue. I’m hoping that Epic will expose a certain set of functions to BP to make broadcasting this info lightweight and much easier instead of creating a slower system in BP, but if it isn’t exposed soon, I’ll probably just set up a similar system in BP.

Aye, its something I’d like to do, but need more time in the day.

Default settings are in GenericShooter\BlueprintLogic\Engine, you’ll see a few structs you can edit. For them to take effect though, after a change you should close the editor and delete your project’s ‘Saved’ folder as while you’ve changed the defaults, your local copy has its own settings saved.

I’m not entirely sure what you mean by this. What examples?

This has been fixed in the latest patch. Thank you.

Easiest way is to set up a timer on the server to respawn them.

This sounds like a reoccurring bug with the Engine where child blueprints reset themselves to their parent defaults. I still don’t know a proper fix for this. I recommend bugging Epic support staff on Answerhub, a lot of people across many projects are experiencing this.

I’m a bit slower to answer questions here on the forums, but I generally get around to all of them. Slack is faster but I may miss them.

I’d like to do this in the future, all a matter of time (or lack thereof).


Some how the session is being failed to be created. If you create a server through the main menu, it definitely causes Create Session. Unfortunately I don’t offer any support for Steam, but I’m slowly working on a Steam guide.

Try joining at

Semi-automatic weapons respect time between shots in the latest update. (at the time of this writing, this isn’t released yet)

So I want to reply to this as I finally figured it out and cannot believe it took me so long. Anyhow I was approaching it as I needed an endpoint and to get the projectile going the correct way I added muzzle rotation and was trying to set up an attraction at end point. When in reality all I needed to do was calculate the rotational difference between the muzzle and end point and the projectile will automatically move towards the end point based on the rotation. Its so easy sometimes it doesn’t even hit you at first. Anyhow I posted a pic of the mod I made to my description above. This should help anyone else who got the proto weapons and wanted to get the mesh tracer working.

maybe you could add the rotation between muzzle and end point to the spawn emitter at location? Previously this was empty.

Thanks and hopefully this helps someone else out as well.

I’ve already done so and it should be in an update this week.

Hey ,
just wanted to let you know everything is working fine. I got dedicated servers working as well - had to change some classes in the engine but it works fine now.