Generic Shooter: Support Thread

Really wish i though of this yesterday, Hours of trying. Not done it yet but i will do :slight_smile: Thanks

OK just tried. Could not call to Health Pickup

OK sorted, I set the Actor to hide than a delay than unhide.

The sound queues for saying things like Headshot are only heard by the server. When I play as a client I do not hear them when performing a headshot. Has anyone else experience this issue?

Similarly here. No sound cue on the client when headshot.

Hello .
I have a request: Pleace, can You consider to add the generic melee weapon, generic throwables and generic animation for jumping/prone to Generic Shooter. It is on Trello from loong time. Thank you in advance :wink: Regards.

How i can add gun physics mat?? No it kills other enemies/players, but when shooting eg to some items as house wall etc, it shows only pinki text that no physics mat assigned?

Hey tero83 try to open the material assigned to the object with no mat phys and then in Details Panel find Physic Material. Now you can change and assign new material phys. Generic Shooter comes ( thanks to ) with some generic Physical Materials like PM_Concrete, PM_Dirt, PM_Metal ect. Pick one and it should work.

Anyone figure out where all the sound settings / video / any settings for the template actually are?

The default volume settings are all at 100% and way too loud, i would like to set new 50% defaults for each build and change the default graphics settings to fullscreen instead of windowed.

Would also like to turn off fall damage and adjust the damages of upper body shots and headshots.

yes that works, now almost every problem in my first person shooter game has solved, only one problem to go and game is in beta-testing. Thanks

Please help.
When a player dies his collision stays on its place I donā€™t know why. I didnā€™t do anything with the collision after death. I checked if I have set collision after death to no collision and itā€™s there. When I add breatkpoint to that node it goes normally but it doesnā€™t set the collision And I canā€™t replace it with destroy component because it crashes the engine. Any suggestions?

IF you want to see the defaults of settings find settings structs in the content browser. For fullscreen add ā€œfā€ behind the commands that set your resolution. i.e. r.setRes 1920x1080f
The damages are in the BP_PlayerCharacter blueprint under Hit zones.

Please where can I make that when I move my mouse the character wont move. Like in the examples when you are just looking around and the pawn is staying at its place.


Found out that when you set a Looping MuzzleFlash Particle System Component to BP_BaseWeapon, with the bLoopedMuzzleFlash set to ā€œtrueā€ and without auto-reload on last shot, it keeps playing the Effect even after running out of bullets. It only deactivates when you release the Fire Input and calls Stop Fire.

So, to make this work correctly, Iā€™ve added a node to deactivate the MuzzleFlashPSC Fire Effects in Handle Fire function as you can see in the pic below:

Iā€™m using the 4.10.2 Generic Shooter compatible Engine Version

Hey Everyone.

Couple of quistion,
Q1 The Pick ups donā€™t re-spawn is there a way to set this up?:confused:
Q2 Some weapons i donā€™t want ADS if there away to disable this?:confused: Had a look i cannot find anything. But knowing me i am looking for a Apple in a orange shop;)

Thanks in advanced and great template.:cool:



In your weapon blueprint, override ā€œCan ADSā€

This will get you a function that will call ā€œParent: Can ADSā€ and return that

Simply delete the middle parent call to Can ADS and return false

This prevents a weapon from ever ADSā€¦

Still looking for answer for quistion 1

Hey Holty. There are for sure ways to do all of that. Not at my PC so cant help you right now. Id suggest joining the Slack community. All of those questions have been answered over there. Its a great place for any info you need regarding the Generic Shooter. The link should be somewhere in this forum. It should be just sign up to that and you will be able to find the answer you need

I was experiencing a similar issue with my packaging and found two issues. The first was I had to close all other apps because I was hitting memory contention. The next was I had a hud blue print that was not even being referenced with a compile error. So it seems that if you have something with compile errors, even if not referenced, it can prevent packaging.

I use to have this problem with shooter temp, Install Visual Studio Community 2013 I think, I know this product is all BP but it helps with Runtimes, Redistriutables and anything else you would need

Hi - Does anyone know where the Animation blueprints are referenced in the Generic shooter BP code? I have my own animations for an extended weapon class which is all working fine - but when I replace the stock animations with my own montage animations these do not work. If I set the animation sequence directly in the BP weapon it does work but I cant get the triggered animations say ā€˜Firingā€™ to work. The weapon still fires etc but the animation does not play. Im just wondering if there is anything else I need to do other than just replacing the stock animation montages with my own in the extended weapon blueprint?

p.s. The weapon and animations are imported fine - I can trigger these in game as well so no issue with the mesh or animation juat a problem with replacing the stock generic shooter animation montage with my own


BUG: Tried to use a custom weapon in default weapon slot.

I changed it in the BP_PlayerCharacter.

It worked fine in the PIE editor, but when I packaged the game, it defaulted to BP_Rifle

I enabled Steam in the project, however in the standalone build i am getting this error :

[2016.02.13-07.38.34:263] 1]LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Canā€™t start an online game for session (Game) that hasnā€™t been created
[2016.02.13-07.38.34:264] 1]r.SetRes = ā€œ1280x800wā€
[2016.02.13-07.38.34:264] 1]LogOnline:Warning: STEAM: Canā€™t destroy a null online session (Game)
[2016.02.13-07.38.45:952][446]LogPackageName: SearchForPackageOnDisk took 0.024s to resolve ValAllar.umap.
[2016.02.13-07.38.45:974][446]LogPackageName: SearchForPackageOnDisk took 0.021s to resolve ValAllar.umap.
[2016.02.13-07.38.45:974][446]LogNet: Browse: /Game/GenericShooter/Maps/ValAllar?game=DM?listen?RoundTime=10?KillLimit=10?ff=0
[2016.02.13-07.38.45:974][446]LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/GenericShooter/Maps/ValAllar?game=DM?listen?RoundTime=10?KillLimit=10?ff=0

Any idea how to solve this ?

Are you using spacewars SteamDevid?