The current system isn’t really set up that way, but one thing you could do is define a character for each team in BP_GameInstance and then in BP_PlayerCharacter in what I believe is UpdatePawnVisuals you can use the team num as a character index instead of the player’s chosen character index. I’ll consider adding better support for this in the future.
Both these have been fixed in an update I just submitted. Thanks for bringing this up.
In the update I just submitted I have added resolution options. Different settings are applied in different ways, mostly through the use of console commands. This logic will be updated when 4.11 is released as 4.11 adds some more explicit settings nodes in BP.
New update submitted to Epic for Generic Shooter on 1/1/2016.
This update currently released. Be sure to select 4.10 or later in the launcher Create Project dialog.
Cathartic Crouton Changelist:
-Change: Entire 3D UI system has been ripped out and replaced with a much better and easier to use 2D UI
-Change: Mobile and Desktop main menu paths merged together, only one main menu exists for desktop and mobile platforms now
-Change: Did a deep animation pass and fixed many of the 4.7->4.8 animation issues. Made more placeholder animations. 1P weapons now are perfectly centered when aiming down sight when using offsets of 0,0,0.
-Change: Minor performance optimizations across the board
-Change: Improved asset file naming conformity (especially regarding animations)
-Feature: Very much improved support for programmatic addition of Game Mode settings in the main menu UI (Tutorial coming soon)
-Feature: Exposed “Prefer Third Person” to main menu settings
-Feature: BP_Deathmatch (therefore all game modes) now has settings to control whether player nametags are visible
-Feature: Basic jumping is now supported ‘out of the box’
-Feature: Fall damage
-Bugfix: Unintentional vertical 1P jittering
-Bugfix: Grenade Launcher explosion hitch related to obscure but reproducible Garbage Collection bug in core Engine
-Bugfix: Empty sound cue VolumeTesting_SFX
-Bugfix: Clients only see one impact for shotguns instead of scattered impacts (Client shotgun scattered impacts are now implemented but are only approximated to save bandwidth)
-Bugfix: Looped weapon fire sound cues and muzzle flashes replicate incorrectly
-Bugfix: Clients’ auto reload is not in sync
-Bugfix: Animation speed issues on clients, clients’ run animations play at a faster rate than intended
-Bugfix: Rocket projectiles are not rotated correctly on clients
-Bugfix: LAN shows Online Games and Online Games shows LAN with Steam subsystem enabled
-Bugfix: Dedicated servers don’t properly clean themselves up after round end
I have made the decision to remove the 3D UI entirely and not offer support for it in an additional download. Support for it would be too costly to maintain. I’m sorry. If you want to keep the 3D UI, I recommend not grabbing this update when it comes out, however I strongly believe that if you try the new UI, you’ll like it much much more than the old clanky 3D UI.
I am doing a buymenu. I have already pretty much done with it but I have one problem. I have my BuyMenu action event set on B key. So I hit B and the widget adds to my viewport and focuses on it. And therefore I can’t close that menu using B key. How can I unfocus it or is there a better way to do it? Thanks.
Try adding a function override for On Key Down or On Key Char and then close the widget on that event if the key is ‘B’. Not the best way, but until UE4 has better BP regarding input bindings, it’ll work.
I asked the same question on his Twitch stream recently and he was good enough to give a really detailed explanation of the fix, Twitch around the 1 hr 17 mark. Basically it was due to the timing between the first player arms rotations and the camera updates … solved by adjusting the tick group in the camera manager.
Thanks again for the explanation , and for the great update,
Ah… that explanation makes sense, will have to wait the couple months for Epic to actually make the update available to look at the project to better understand how the player is connected to the camera manager and all that… sucks it takes epic so long to put out updates.
Yeah, I know, sorry didn’t mean to imply it was something you or the other content providers have control over. It’s an infuriating Launcher issue is what I meant
Couldn’t be happier with the update, it’s made a huge difference.
Has anyone successfully added bots to their generic shooter? I’ve played with a few tutorials and keep getting myself confused. I’m sure I’ll get it eventually but was curious if there are any tutorials anyone here used as reference to add bots or AI to the generic shooter.
I have added a simple chase zombie bot based off of twin stick shooter tutorial from unreal and another bot based off Moize opel battle arena tutorial. its pretty simple adding one of these to the project
I can not get a custom character to import and work with the skeleton and or functional with the new update…what am i doing wrong? please enlighten me…