Thanks DjGrave, I’ll check that out this weekend while I work on my project some more!
Hello, I have this issue. I have replaced the BP_PlayerCharacter mesh with my own and I created a Animation blueprint similiar to ABp_PLayer. But my weapon pawn animations don’t work. Like reload equip … I have custom animations that are made for the skeleton I have in my bp_playercharacter. I have also replaced the function"Get Anim Instance" in function “PlayWeaponPawnAnimation” so its for my mesh. When I print on screen the weapon animation time it is normal and I also don’t get any errors in output log.So it seems like the animation is being played but I cant see it. What could be the problem please.
I got it nevermind
I’m not sure what the specifics are of what you’re character is or if it’s compatible with the default skeleton. But all I do is import the new character fbx, but in the skeleton options on import, select the Skel_mannequin instead of creating a new skeleton, works perfectly.
Check if the anim montages you want to play have their “Default slot” set to Default slot upper body or default slot ADS for ADS animations.
Thank you that was the problem. You saved my life
How do I know if I am using the latest version of Generic Shooter? The store hasn’t been updated with any recent versions and I can’t tell what version I am using myself. Because whatever improvements or changes that have been made I have no idea which version I am currently using and what version to add or implement to my current project.
Go into generic shooter -> Blueprint Logic and in this folder there is a blueprint called BP_Version, drag it into the level and it will tell you the version.
Why is it even called “Butchering Beagle 4.9” that doesn’t make any sense at all.
Please could anyone please explain me how is crosshair drown on screen? I have been trying to understand how it works for so long. So like when I hit right mouse click I call the function StartADS and it just sets the variable Wants to ADS. Then in Hud there is the function IsCrosshairVisible which kinda looks like It handles the visibility of crosshair. But could you explain me exactly how it works? Thanks.
Hi, same here. All my custom weapons are x up same as generic weapons, and it has been working corectly up to the last update. Now when i try to add new weapon it’s flip -180 on x axis or am i doing something wrong? Any sugestions pls?
Any chance you are going to add in left hand ik for grasping specific locations on he gun?
In BP_BaseWeapon blueprint there is a function called ShouldShowCrosshair. It return if the game should show the crosshair or not.
In BP_HUD blueprint, after the weapon is equiped, you set a variable “show crosshair” with the function of BP_BaseWeapon.
In WB_HUD_Base, there is a function IsCrosshairVisible. If it true, you display, if it false you hide the the widget.
In WB_HUD_Desktop (child of WB_HUD_Base), in designer tab, select the crosshair widget and you assign the IsCrosshairVisible function in the visibilty.
Mind if I do a tut on the subject of adding extended classes? I’m doing a class based shooter based on your framework, so I think others might find it useful to have that info.
Many, many people have constantly emailed or asked for better animation support using the Epic mannequin rig. The reason why some of the animations and things had broken wrists in the past was I took some ‘more user friendly shortcuts’ regarding animations, but this resulted in first person meshes needing offsets to line up perfectly on the screen and would case them to not be lined up if perfectly lined up in 3DS Max, Maya, or Blender. Due to the large desire to ‘conform more to the Epic mannequin rig’, I zero’d out everything and edited the given animations to work more cleanly. What many don’t realize though is Epic’s mannequin rig by default has it’s hand and ik bones facing the wrong way and their +X ended up being -X. Because many people working with animations like to snap weapons to these bones so that they can animate without the worry of various offset and socket issues, I have chosen to respect this. Now, for weapons included in Generic Shooter, if you do not wish to rotate the socket, you must supply a ‘reference pose’ animation that puts the weapon in the correct orientation. If you check out the various weapon animation blueprints you will see that instead of using ‘Local Space Reference’ in the animation blueprint, a single frame animation pose is being used. While this provides much better custom support for weapons in 3DS Max, Maya, or Blender, it does change the custom weapon implementation details a bit.
I’m working to create a new tutorial on how to add custom weapons that will include how to make a reference pose. Alternatively, if you replace all of Generic Shooter’s weapons, you could just rotate the socket 180 degrees. When this tutorial is done, I’ll post it here.
There are a few ways to do this. One currently popular way is this plugin, made by Epic staff member Darnell. GitHub - ue4plugins/LoadingScreen: A plugin for Unreal Engine 4 to expose simple controls for managing load screens.
I don’t mind at all, please do! I’d love it if more people made tutorials!
I would love this tutorial!
Thank you for your reply . Now it makes sense. I’ll wait for a tutorial on how to do it properly.
And by the way, which animation product would you recommend more for GS, Mocap or Kubold production? Thank You.
, not quite sure if was answered, but will the new UI, VR friendly? Best regards
Please how can I move First Person Eye location a little bit backwards?
Unreal Unscripted just released a new tutorial on integrating Realistic Weapon blueprint with Generic Shooter.
I just thought I would share the following a I am sure others are trying to do the same. But the following is how I modified the Player Blueprint to allow for tweaking game play speed and sprint. I’m sure there are better ways to do this, but I’m still learning how to code with blueprints and like I said I’m sure I wasn’t the only newbie trying to do this.
First I added 5 new variables Run Speed, Sprint, Run, Walk, and a Boolean Can Sprint
Then I added the Macro “Set Player Speed” and modified movement handling actions to adjust the movement speed to the current run-speed variable value
Now to add some variation I modified the ADS (Aim) code so that it slows the run speed variable to a walk when aiming. I also then populate a boolean variable to disable sprint.
For Sprint I made a new Action mapping, and set runspeed to sprint when pressed and run when released. I found I have to check both the released and pressed if player can sprint because things got funky for example a player pressed ads and then pressed and “released” the sprint key before releasing ads.
Anyhow I hope this helps some others. I know sometimes a quick picture and quick description of why helps. I like this setup because now as I play my game with friends and want to tweak game speed quickly I can.
, are you going to add Mele weapons in the future to Generic Shooter? I was wondering because I see some Mele references in the code and I was going to use Mele in my game. If you are not adding anything more than what is there I was going to work on my own Mele process, but if you are I may focus on something else until Mele is ready later.