Generic Shooter: Support Thread

Commenting for notification on future sales


Hey guys,does anyone have the jump enabled? And if yes can you please tell me how exactly did you do that?

Hey control,
goto edit -> project settings -> Action Mappings -> PressFakeFocusedWidget and remove the Space Bar entry. For some reason that blocks space bar from allowing you to jump in GS shooter project. (most common key people use for jump). This is what I had to do to get the bunnyhopping from my pack to work.

Then you just need to make sure the character is allowed to jump (check the checkbox ‘can jump’, I believe?) and then in the character blueprint (BP_playercharacter I think?) map “InputAction Jump” to “jump” when its pressed and bind a key in your input settings.

Can this run in oculus rift? I tried downloading the demo but it doesn’t even activate the headset.

3 Questions

Hello, I have 3 quick questions about this script before I buy it.

  1. Would I be able to make one team of players animals easily? I have models and animations but I want to be just kind of plug it and instead of shooting the attack animation is played.

  2. Would this script work with Stamina Hunger System script Stamina, Hunger and Thirst System in Blueprints - UE Marketplace

  3. Would adding melee weapons such as a knife, sword or other item be easy?

Thanks for your time!

Thanks Kitatus for the reply! I look forward to working with the product in the future.

While 2 and 3 are definitely doable, 1 on the other hand might be harder than Kitatus has made it out to be, especially if all of your animals use different skeletons. Right now, GS support for multiple skeletons and animation blueprints is limited. You could achieve this but it’ll take quite some work.

Can this pack easily work with the realistic blueprint weapons from the asset store (or can the bullet ballistics easily be edited)?

Can the multi-player work with, say, 50 people?

How can you set up dedicated servers?

Can the multi-player work if the scene is a large, open outdoor scene?

, when do you release on Steam? You got greenlit ages ago! :slight_smile:

Some people have implemented the realistic blueprint weapons but its not easy. I feel the firing mechanics are encapsulated well enough where if you wanted to change how the tracelines worked you could, but if you wanted something like ballistics over multiple frames, that might get pretty involved and definitely not easy.

I know it works up to 32, haven’t tried pushing the engine beyond that.

Dedicated servers are a bit more involved, especially with Steam. As a 100% blueprint asset I can’t do much to help you ‘out of the box’, but I’m hoping to have tutorials about this soon. The beginning of this can be found here: How To Set Up Dedicated Servers for Windows and Linux For Your UE4 Game (using Windows) and can be applied to any UE4 project.

My system doesn’t have any restrictions regarding if its an indoor or outdoor scene. Any issues you have will be the issues that anyone making a large scale game would experience.

There is a lot of stuff I want to do prior to release :smiley:

Generic Shooter just hit 1000 units sold on the UE4 marketplace! Huzzah!

First off, thank you for your blueprint offering, it is helping me out a ton for a project I have been trying to get started that allows for 4 teams in multiplayer. My question if anyone has looked into it is can I limit certain character skins to a specific team?

For example in regular deathmatch the user can play as any skin.

In Team deathmatch only Team 1 can use Skin A, B and C | Team 2 can use Skin D, E and F | Team 3 can use Skin G, H and I | Team 4 can use Skin J, K and L

Would I add to the team deathmatch blueprint? Sorry if this is a basic question as to where I should start the blueprint coding but the blueprints still confuse me a bit and I am trying to get an idea as to where I should start looking to modify the work flow. So far I have tried to make educated guesses as to what and where to modify and it has not gone well.


I don’t know if anyone else has come across this but when testing my game multiplayer if player 1 shoots a rifle weapon with an auto / looped sound it ends properly on player 1’s session when i release the trigger but player two it continues to loop. I validated the blueprint and I had looped fire sound selected and it ends properly on Player 1 but Player two can hear the sound forever whenever he goes where the rifle was first shot by player 1.

So its the ambient sound is not going away for player 2 when Player 1 fires. What is odd is when player 2 fires his local looped sound ends properly and the ambient sound ends properly for Player 1.

Congrats, good work and well earned!

Hello guys, could andyone explain me how do settings work? Like when I choose and option in video settings what happens next? Thanks. I am asking this because I wanna make resolution settings so I am trying to understand how these settings work.

Speaking as one of those people who implemented realistic blueprint weapons fully and successfully into a GS project - i can tell you its a pain in the *** to do and requires considerable modification of both RBW and GS - make sure you have a free day and a four pack of Monster in the fridge.

When I set a looping MuzzleFlash particle effect to my weapon, set “bLoopedMuzzleFlash” to true, my clients keep playing the muzzle effects when I stop firing, only in Server works like it should.

Maybe this has already been discussed here, but I can’t see where it could be changed in the Base_Weapon “SimulateFire” function to work.

I am trying to make a buymenu. Please what should I connect to these objects? Its similar to give default weapons in BP_PlayerCharacter.I am trying to attach a weapon by clicking on button.a5e7527f714865a3bc5233aa50e47691aafbc684.jpeg


How do we add reload sounds? Please help!

Add them in your Weapon Reload Montages…


How? I’m a newbie.