Generic Shooter: Support Thread

If anyone wants something like the old 3d menu, check this out: Database Error

Since all of the UMG stuff will be there, I imagine making it a 3D widget and placing it in a scene wouldn’t be too hard.

Ok, thanks I have to add that jump for now, but next question is maybe for my stupideness. This is multiplayer shooting game, so maybe i need server and transfer some files/game to there. Or how other people could attach to gamemode team deathmatch?

And second question is now when I am shooting there is text no physics mat assigned, everytime when i shoot. How i can disable this?

I have no idea where this is coming from to be honest. When I figure it out, I’ll let you know.

If two people have the game, one can host a server and the other can join them. To use the server list, you’ll need to handle subsystem stuff yourself though. Otherwise you can join by IP using “open x.x.x.x” in console.

You can disable the no physics mat assigned by swapping it out with a different particle set in your weapon’s impact effect properties. Or you can assign my phys mats to your materials.

Generic Shooter is going on a 60% off sale on November 30th, 2015.


Trying to get the word out so people looking for discounts won’t buy it now and then get angry in a few days.

I can see it, though it is much less, in turning left right … which makes me think it has to do with the animation blending.

ok thanks, I am trying to publish my own first person shooter game mid 2016 and because it is multiplayer shooter I have to get somewhere server, which “host” the game, for servers and databases I am rookie and maybe I have to pay someone who help me with that

I have a question people. So what I want to do is selecting different character blueprints. I have created a couple of child blueprints of BP_PlayerCharacter. First, I made a very basic system about selecting it in the lobby by changing the default pawn of the game mode. Game mode supports level vise so that’s why I put it on the lobby. You have to re-select the character when the map changes.

Playing in single is ok but in multiplayer I realized that when the host selects the character, everyone on the server has the same character. So… I have to make it on the main menu to be a variable for all players right?

I inserted a new “default pawn” variable to SC_CharacterInfo but even I save it I can’t see it on the default values as well as in GameInstance.

So any help would be great. How can I select different blueprints to be applied to different online players on the main menu?

Edit: Changed it on SCharacterInfo. Used Pawn instead of DefaultPawn. However, it doesn’t change the player character blueprint.

You are going to need to tie your logic into BP_GameMode’s SpawnDefaultPawnFor. That lets you set the pawn class to spawn for a player.

I have sent this same question to but maybe also some other can help me, not a big problem, but problem still: I have made some objects like rocks etc and they are destructible so that every player can destoy them, now it is only possible with player who HOST the game, so what is wrong or do i have to make some adjustmenst. I have tried it with couple of my friend that i was hosting the game and i am only who can destroy objects. Other can kill every player but not objects

Some other asked this same question before. I believe destructable meshes aren’t ok for multiplayer for some reason but or some other people who knows this better can answer better. I also need to have destructable meshes too. Though I haven’t tested yet.

Ok I made this but doesn’t work. How can I tie the logic into gamemode on main menu?

The menu and the ‘in game’ states use different game modes. The way to transfer settings from the menu to the gamemode currently is to use ‘command line’ options on the URL string. Take a look at the DeathmatchSettings menu widget as well as SetGameOptions in BP_GameMode and look how the Options string is picked apart and settings are set.

If you want clients to have their own settings sent to the server and to be used for them, check out how the PlayerState sends a user’s desired character index and hat index to the server and how the Pawn reads these values from the player state.

Thanks for the help! Working on it.

Good packet, but still I have to dismiss grenade launcher it still crashes even I get it to load long time. Good weapon, but not perfect solution

, any ETA on new update / new 2D menu ?

Generic Shooter purchased!!

Probably one of the best assets i have bought on the marketplace!

Brilliant work mate!

You probably hear this often, but keep helping the little people reach their game dev goals!

Destructible Meshes are not able to replicate. What you have to do is simulate the destruction. Run a function on client and server at the same time that initiates destruction. Its been a while since I messed around with it. But its ends up being similar but not exact when you simulate the destruction. If you mess with it and tweak it you can get some pretty good results.

Today I tested it with Oculus DK II. I had to tweak it very much because my player character is in fact a “vehicle” but it worked great. If it were just a FPS project it’s nearly plug & play. That’s easy. I had to de-activate the Lobby and HUD though. 2D UI is messing the view. I’ll try to make 3D UI but lobby can wait.

Any release date for the new UI?

I managed to Get The GenericJoysticks To Work with The Rest of the Mobile Interface
would Anybody be interested in it?
This was an easy fix and it doesn’t break anything, it actually works quite well