Generic Shooter: Support Thread

Wanderer not at my PC so I cant check for you but the best way would be to add more character meshs for the same BP_Player_Character. In the Game Instance is where set up your characters. Just replace with the mesh you want to use. There is Bob Blueprint and Plate there as default but I believe you can just add more in the Game Instance. There is a video how to add characters on the first page of this forum post or on Allars youtube. If you wanted different Player Characters for various reasons you would want to make a child BP off the BP_Player_Character and customize their actions. Then for whatever Game Mode you would set which Player Character to use. Hope that makes sense but I believe thats how its done.

Yeah, I already did it but then I figured out that I had to create different blueprints because there will be seperate abilities and also special weapons specific to that character blueprint. I tried to set default pawn with game instance and game mode in the menus but I couldn’t done it yet. I’m starting to think if it’s possible at all.

*Edit: I’ll try changing between child blueprints of the bp_player_character. I’ll write the results here.

*Edit2: Yes, creating child blueprints based on BP_Player_Character really worked. But not on main menu. Because I select them from Game Mode and Game Mode is level specific, I put the selection menu to the lobby. If anyone have another idea feel free to post here.

I replicate an int id to the client and have the client choose the correct mesh based on that int id.

This will be present in the next version of the UI.

Added to my list of known bugs, will investigate.

  1. PlayerController is the thing requesting respawn. Look for its Fire Input and you’ll see it request respawn there. You are free to request respawn on any other input event. Respawn time logic can be added to the request respawn logic in BP_GameMode.
  2. Easiest way for that is to hook into the kill log pipeline and check to see if the killer is the same as the local player. If it is, show an additional message on the screen.
  3. I can’t give too much support on creating new game modes, that sort of is on you to figure out how you want your game mode implemented. As for exposing the settings to the UI, currently there is some programatic widget switching happening, but I hope to make this much easier in the next version of the UI.

This turned out to be a known bug with 4.8.2, partially fixed in 4.9, and it has been stated as fully fixed in 4.10. 4.10 hasn’t had any issues for me so far in this regard, but, I still remain suspicious.

I’m heavily considering replacing the 3D UI with a 2D UI that is much simpler and easier to maintain. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

The UI would look something like:

Well I spent hours wrapping my head around the 3D UI and learned it fairly well lol. It was useful in learning though so nothing wrong with that haha. With that said I really like the 2D UI though much better. Seems like it will be easier to understand and scale up. I say go with it. Any idea when the next update is?

Yeah, I like the 2D UI over the 3d one. It was a nice idea. Maybe leave it in there for those that want it, I guess.

I am buying this maybe in December and my target is to make my own little shooter game to selling in some platform. I use my own MAP, this package and some other character. Maybe i need do get somewhere a server, because this is multiplayer game

You wont be able to sell it unless you have a SERIOUS knowledge in game development

where does the URL “game=TDM?” get read, I’m trying to make a new gamemode but I cant figure out where the “lobby screen” is determined, there is a TDM lobby and a DM lobby but i have no idea where that is set

Can you tell me where the gamemode part of the URL is read, I found everything but game=TDM

I’m getting an error Screenshot - e04bd9193193804dde3099f4edaa4bc2 - Gyazo when i made a new gamemode, what does this mean?

nevermind fixed it all up, i love how you have made it very generic, it was easy to add new options and purposes

How can i use the mobile default virtual joysticks that come’s with ue4 editor when i add them to generic shooter all the mobile buttons doing nothing anymore only default virtual joysticks are working and when i remove the default joysticks all the mobile buttons are working again

This packet is very good, but how i can get character to jump? It is only movement what i want to add. I already have add new levels and next jumping and new weapons and menus

Check out DefaultGame.ini, you’ll find a often ignored feature dealing with game mode aliasing.

I couldn’t figure this out either. This appears to be a limitation of the engine, thats why I added those bad movement and look buttons. If you find a way to use virtual thumbsticks as well as UMG buttons, I’d absolutely love to hear it. I tried everything I could with z order as well, not sure what it could be. Would love to replace those bad buttons.

I’m removing gamepad support for the UI in the next update and I will re-add it in the future when the engine makes this not ridiculous to do. The 3D UI will be officially deprecated. Currently the plan is to pull the 3D UI out and offer it as a separate free download. Sorry if this causes any issues, but this is the best step forward for Generic Shooter.

do you know how to fix the weird arm lag when you aim up and down, it like jitters pretty bad. It doesnt do it when you aim horizontally though