yeah sometimes (I assume) unreal editor has a glitch moment and a child class will revert to its parents default values… this happens several times a week, I just go in an fix it manually, because copying in from a back up and overwriting the file doesn’t seem to work. A minor annoyance… but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve packaged just to see one of the limbs i knock off someone and pick up is shooting bullets instead of swinging like a melee weapon…
The dreaded… “Base Weapon” shows up when you look at it and instantly you know you have to go back in, manually fix default settings and repackage … lol… keeps you on your toes… happens more in 4.9x than it did in 4.8x it seems… in 4.8 it seemed to happen in crashes, and when you transferred or copied the project… on 4.9 it just happens randomly… that and close to desktop errors…
This is an ongoing engine bug that frustrates me to no end.
Man you need to get people online with steam. This is not a free download, I paid 50 bucks for this and it aint working. I have the exact same issues as this chap, ping 9999, no map name, friends name is there. Click to connect and it boots be out to main menu
Whats the deal here?
What is happening here is that UE4 must be compiling the shaders for the explosion.
The game froze for me as well, but I was patient because if the engine had crashed, a crash info window would pop up.
Anyway, give it a few seconds or minutes and it will work again. After that, you can shoot and it won’t freeze up again!
The deal here is I can’t actually ship with out of the box Steam support due to several config edits and other logic that make it hard to support from the marketplace seller standpoint. All the BP logic will work with Steam but you’ll need to read through Epic docs to enable Steam for your own projects. I’m slowly getting around to writing my own guide because the documentation can be a bit rough. By default, Epic’s Steam implementation uses something called Presence, which is supposed to handle NAT punchthrough and other things, but honestly, Presence using SpaceWar exhibits in weird behavior. Please take a look at the number of Answerhub posts regarding this, not specific to Generic Shooter.
Currently the project uses an inventory system where weapons go to specific slots and only their corresponding slots.
This is a problem since I plan to have an inventory system where you can have a pistol in both first and second weapon slots.
Any plans to add a system that allows us to easily change how inventory works (just for simplicity)?
Currently I made a small and quick workaround that allows me to do this by setting the slot type of the picked up weapon equal to the slot type of the weapon I currently have equipped/am replacing. But this causes an issue;when equipping a weapon while currently using the 2nd weapon slot (secondary), it automatically switches to my primary/1st weapon slot after equipping. It will do for now, will see what I do the more I study this blueprint.
Great job making this!
Hey, maybe someone can help me with this one.
I am currently trying to show an indicator when you killed someone (not the killfeed, just a text on the local player hud).
In the ScoreKill function of the BP_Deathmatch I am calling a function which is setting a time variable in the playerstate of the killer.
The BP_HUD takes this playerstate variable to show the HUD indicator for 5 seconds.
Everything is working fine when killing someone when being the server, but when killing someone as the client, the playerstate variable won’t be set.
Im having an issue with by Child Blueprints. I created a child BP off the BP_PlayerCharacter and added some custom actions for my character. When I play the Level in the Editor everything works fine. When I build my project and I host a game and spawn in the camera is all out place and all my animations are lost on my character. Anyone else have this issue and what is the fix? If I set my Gamemode Player Character back to the parent BP_PlayerCharacter everything spawns in fine. Thanks for any help.
The player state can be unreliable sometimes on clients and it might be being cleared from that pawn on death or client respawn. In any case, why not just tap into the already existing killfeed logic, check to see if the killer is the local player, then display your message? The killfeed system uses a series of delegates/dispatchers that you can easily tap in to.
This is one of those things I know I need to do and want to do and probably will do in the future, but I don’t have an ETA. Some of the inventory stuff I wanted to do was impossible to do in BP due to some replication issues with arrays at the time but I believe those are solved now. If I make any progress on this I’ll let you know directly.
I can’t really explain this. Perhaps your blueprint classes are not being cooked for some reason? Setting the player character class to a child class of BP_PlayerCharacter should work, and because it works in PIE, I’m pretty sure you haven’t done anything wrong. There has been a lot of issues with child blueprints though lately all over answerhub.
Please don’t download Generic Shooter from third party sites. If you bought it through the marketplace and are using “Create Project…”, contact Epic support as there is an issue with your launcher.
Hey , any clue when the genericplatform plugin will be out? :rolleyes:
Yeap, same here. When I first shot with the grenade launcher it froze (I think for a min or so) but then it worked great. (loved the sound effects lol )
When I have an ETA, the world will know.
I really don’t know why this is. Its loading a particle, a decal, and a sound, but for some reason it has a crippling load time. As far as I know, the textures I used aren’t too ridiculous. If I ever get an answer as to why this happens, I’ll do my best to solve it.
Feature Request, (quick play button) that connects to random server or highest pop server in list
I don’t know if this is a known bug, but when you kill someone as the server, the hit that kills the other player doesn’t show a hitmark, working fine when being a client though
BP_BaseWeaponInstantHit is missing following functions: Modifiy Damage, Get Casted Controller and Notify Hit. You get those errors when you try to compile it. Can I find them somewhere in the project and add them manually? I tried doing something else with that BP, changing it a bit.
Hey , I am working on learning this stuff on my own, and am at a point where I am changing the skeletal mesh for players based on what class they pick (in my own project). Doesn’t seem to work in multiplayer. Just found out that is a bug (UE4 (UE-16478))… they say that they know about it, it doesn’t replicate properly. So how do you go about doing it, as I know you see different characters in your multiplayer.
love your work so far .
3 quick questions for you or for anyone that has done it/knows how to do it
- Change respawn time/respawn button
- Show message in killer HUD displaying “You killed Player2”
- How to make gametypes, Search and destroy in special (number or rounds, reset each round, etc)
On restart of the editor my missing functions problem magically disappeared, no clue what was going on there.
But now I have a bigger problem any weapon settings I make do not take over to a build. It all works in fine in the editor but in a build it is reset to the default settings. So i hear the annoying bang sounds, the weapon is automatic, reloads and has no wind down time even though I set it otherwise. I also tried several build settings already, like shipping and development and packaging everything everytime as well as force cook of the BP folder. I’m currently on UE4 4.82. Everything else other then the weapon settings takes over fine in the build. Any ideas what I could do about it? It is a projectile weapon that I changed.
Hey is it possible to make a character selection screen rather than customize? I’m trying to figure out how to select different BP_Player_Character. Any ideas?