Generic Shooter: Support Thread

warghhhhhhhhhh dedicated server support. That is very very nice work … and now I’m going to can the test build of my game I just finished and was going to send out and wait for this next update. :frowning:

I love generic shooter, I was able to add 3 fuse characters to the menu, Also add all the prone, cover, crouch, and melee animations to the child BP to 3 of the characters for animation change out, just some and or custom characters. Has anyone done this to?

has anyone been able to create a camera zoom, 360 panning camera to generic shooter?

If I understand you correctly, watch the “changing first/third person tutorial” and then simply remove the keybind for switching cameras. That should lock the camera to the mode you want.

Your maps probably aren’t cooked. Watch the “add custom map to UI” tutorial, even if you don’t have any custom maps. That might solve your all your problems.

So… Dedicated Server support is a bit weird, in that, Generic Shooter already supports it but it needs to be wrapped in a code project and then compiled for Windows Dedicated Server. What is missing though is an easy to use documentation guide and if you’re using dedicated servers, you most likely want some advanced features that simply don’t exist in BP/Built in engine, such as…


Being able to set your server, game, and map name, and have it officially registered with Steam servers, as currently you have to deal with “can people see my server or not? why?”. I have wrote a C++ Plugin that solves that, but its not feature complete yet. There are things I want to add such as adding player avatar fetching and other forms of advanced server management. I’d like to get this plugin on the marketplace but we’ll see what happens. In the mean time though, I wouldn’t stop anything your building in anticipation for the update. It could be awhile and there are a lot of things to sort out. The next update will probably support 4.9 only as well, as there are some things in 4.9 I want to use.

You could do camera zoom by messing with the desired fov in BP_PlayerCameraManager, but 360 panning? Sorry, can’t help you there.

For the people who don’t have a steam appid we would like a way for people to host servers on a dedi box, I have seen people implement say raknet into there projects but I think we just want a pretty simple solution xD

What you see above is actually using Spacewar.

It’ll work with Spacewar. App ID 480.

You are the best, ! Love your project. Keep up the good work!

How much work is it to replace Arms-Only FP-mode with full body? I know this is a Generic Shooter project, but it would have made me and many others very happy :slight_smile:

Technically its already full body, in the sense that your body and legs are in the 1p mesh. I’m no animator though so I couldn’t get the arms to appear correct while still keeping the feet in the right position. Improving that is something not in my wheelhouse. I need a best-friend-who-is-also-an-animator.

But then the legs won’t move :stuck_out_tongue:

Not yet, but I plan to. Did you buy the animation sets from the marketplace?

Ah, yes, that did it. When I created a project with your template I named it something else, so I had to correct the links to the maps that come with it in order for them to be baked in. Thanks.

BTW, with the bug you mention up above, and the upcoming dedicated server stuff, will I be able to somehow upgrade a project if I start working on it, or would I have to start over with a new version of your template?

If you don’t touch the files I give you and make all your stuff children of my stuff and in a different folder, you should be able to delete the GenericShooter folder, then pop in the updated version, but even then there could be some issues. The update process kind of sucks, a lot, right now. Not much I can do about that. Go bug Epic. :smiley:

I will generate a new project and do my best to do that. Thanks.

well got anim starter kit but had my own and mocaps from my vault and also some from fuse.

4.9 p4 kind of works on my Nexus 9 and DM. Will the Generic Shooter work with 4.9?

Been waiting to get this on the marketplace… Finally got to the point where I had the money to spend and now it’s $49.99?! Looks like I’ll be waiting for a sale. Great work though.

You used 4.9 P4?

Thanks its work…!!!
but i have another problem, how can set shot effect on mesh object, i have imported custom fbx file, on shot coming no physical material??

Open your Material and select the main material node. In the Details tab you can set up the Phys Material.

Hi ! (And all of you guys, since this is my first post) , I see you are considering to adding cover system. Do you know if will be available soon? That’s the only thing I need actually to purchase happily your GenericSampleProyect! Please, let me know when you will be able to do it, or what do you need to do it :slight_smile:

Best regards!

Thanks …its work…!!:smiley: