Would you mind telling how you got GS to work in 4.9 p4? Thanks.
Curious on if Sprinting will be a upcoming feature
Been doing a lot of work on my current project since I brought this item many weeks ago. I wanted to create a build, and test it with a bunch of my friends and my brother as well, on online (probably about 10-12 players).
So I successfully built the game, went to go host a game but any map I pick takes me back to the title screen. For a while, I kept thinking “Hmm…maybe its a problem of the map not being cooked?” So I typed in “Open <mymapname>” and it loads perfectly there, but is not a hosted server. I went to host from the New Window option in the Editor, and it works perfectly there.
Am I doing something wrong?
EDIT: Wow so…it seems like I had to rename the Steamworks folder inside the packaged build from Steamv132 to Steamv134…doing that before building results in problems at the end of the build…wow I solved my own issue as soon as I posted it…such a dummy
That fix makes zero sense to me, but glad its working for you.
Hi all,have Problem to display the remaining time in the game…how can I add this to the game?
This is already done in the scoreboard. Check out how thats done, as well as how the game state tracks remaining time.
have tried it:(, I try again…sorry beginner:)
Hi …thanks for the answer, i have found the WB_Scoreboard ,in this is the function GetRoundTimeRemaning, I do not know more.
would be great if you can make a tutorial for beginners…hope you can help.
I found this …its work fine…Thanks
, when are you going to a version of GS that will work in 4.9?
When 4.9.X fixes a serious cooking issue I am facing.
Finally bought it and love it man!! Thanks for this nice shooter sample!
Can I have two weapons working in parallel (each with its own bind) using all the replication logic of Fire Handling block? (StartFire and StopFire)
Like having a rocket launcher shooting in the right mouse button and having a machine gun in the left mouse button…
Is it complicated to make, if possible?
If the weapon states are set up correctly and you add the ability to equip two weapons at the same time, then yeah, the replication should totally work.
Having a bit of a time with one thing… I don’t need any of the customize character stuff, so got rid of that, and the whole AI for menus and such… but how do I get rid of the black bar at the bottom of the main menu since I removed one of the buttons?
Ah, nevermind on that, I figured it out. But when the game runs, host game is highlighted, you can control with keyboard, and it adds the arrow and text moves over… want to do away with that, but can not find what BP is responsible for that…
I set it up in the defaultengine.ini file, and it certainly get’s my steamID and shows that when I go into the lobby. But I do not find my game in the steam servers… and can not connect via another instance running on the same machine. Any setup I am missing?
Is it possible to call the same StartFire function for a “Second_Weapon Fire” without replication conflict? (passing the equipped 2nd weapon as parameter)
I guess another question I have, is if I put in my own meshes, how do I attach that physics material to them so when you shoot them you don’t get the pink ‘no’ stuff?
to answer my own question, go to the material and in the editor for that, add the proper phys Material…
I have question related with camera in your Generic Shooter (I asked already on Slack)
I bet, you saw already alot of FPS’s and you might noticed weapon lag. For example mouse moves left and weapon/hands are moving with delay.
I tried to do that with Camera lag on spring arm, but no luck.
So how to do that ?
Here is example :
1:55 min