I would actively encourage people making their own add-on packs for this for resale, however last time I checked marketplace assets can’t depend on other assets. I do have a collaboration project related to Generic Shooter however, but still hammering out some logistics.
Thanks for the support , I have solved pretty much everything I was having issues with and am getting quite familiar with the way you structured the project.
Looks great, am interested. Curious does it allow having a dedicated server?
NOO, I missed the 19.99 deal! When will it be on sale again?!
There was never really a $19.99 deal. It first launched at that price and then with each update I raised the price.
There may or may not be a deal in the next couple of weeks. If it goes on sale, it’ll be dropped down to $30. I have no idea when, if, and for how long it’ll go on sale atm.
Yes, but not out of the box. If you ran a dedicated server with it, everything should still work though.
Ah man… Has the price just gone up!!! I swear it was £30 something the other day…? I just had to wait for pay day and now its £60
A sale is planned in the future, but I don’t exactly know when. Up to Epic.
Significant bug found, it seems like hosting a game through the menu in the most recent version causes flipped connectivity. Meaning if you set to Online you’ll be hosting in LAN mode and vice versa.
Luckily the fix is simple. In GenericShooter\UI\Menus\HostGame\WB_HostMode in the Event Graph, change this == node check to 1 instead of 0.
&stc=1Hi All,
How can change placeholder text?
I’ve figured out…!
1.got another question > how can disable FirstCharacter?
2.i used a custom weapon with this error:
Hello! I heard that the main thread was closed so I decided to post here, I have question about the game:
Can you sell a game that used this to basically create it? (Like using your own models textures making maps and a new menu Etc. but keeping the same blueprints)
Thanks in advance!
Hi I am trying to figure out how to change the title in the menu from generic shooter to my game which for the life of me I cant find!
Hi Frostyshield…you go to UI > Menus > MainMenu > click om the WB_MainMenu Widget Blueprint > In the Hierarchy cklick on the first item , you see in the details , on Header Text you can change text…!!
I hope could help…!
Don’t really know what you mean by 1, don’t really know whats happening with 2. Looks like you are playing a map using a gamemode that I don’t provide, which would be bad.
in the first question i mean how can disable firstcam(herocam)?
So is simply compiling the project into a dedicated server all that is needed?
And can this be set up with steam networking so you get user names and server names?
I bought it. Messed with the tutorials you have. When I package and run, and host game, it does not run a game… hmm… when I click next it just goes back to main menu.
I don’t know anything about turning that on or off. In the browser window it works, just not when the exe is run.
, I saw your updates on the trello and I am super duper excited! Any news on when it will be sent out? I’m mainly after (Windows Dedicated Server Support)
That’s good news.