Generic Shooter: Support Thread

I had this issue too.
I use the GetDefaultPawnClassForController function. I can now select my character in the lobby, and spawn with it. My characters have different abilities.

You can get all the player controller and respawn them in a loop.

Thanks for answering that zuert.

, to use the team info objects in order instead of randomly, open up SetUpTeams in BP_GameState and remove the Shuffle node in the beginning of that function.

, to count the players on a team, use Get Ranked Player State List in BP_GameState and simply use “length” on the resulting player list.

I just submitted version Butchering Beagle to the marketplace, see first post for change notes.

where can I change it back to 3rd person as the default instead of fp view?

BP_PlayerController has a variable called bPreferThirdPerson that you can enable/disable. Enable that and it’ll default to third.

Version Cathartic Crouton will expose that in the main menu settings

more indepths of setting up blue print or c++ or what ever is best for you
this request is made by a one man team and i have no one to help test factors of how game play is
plus maybe how to set up some configs for bots in menus like health speed etc…

AI won’t come for a long time, if ever. Sorry.

Edit: Added new tutorial for new versions to define custom maps

Thanks so much for responding ur amazing!

I did it a bit differently, because players are randomly selected instead of choosing for themselves. I branched off the respawn function and spawn them depending on their team num. To solve the wrong character on spawn issue, I just respawn all players on match start. This is giving me another problem though, players’ bodies and weapons still persist even when I try to destroy all actors of their class. Do ragdolls count as their own actor/class? What should I use to “clean” the map of all ragdolls? Sometimes when I respawn the actors themselves don’t even clean up, but I get an animated mesh that persists for however long the ragdoll dwell time is.

There is a severe problem with the Marketplace Launcher and Generic Shooter. Do not use “Add to Project”. If the Launcher says add to project, do not do it. Use the Marketplace tab instead of the Library tab and when you select Generic Shooter it will say create project. Again, please do not use “Add to Project” with Generic Shooter, it’ll DAMAGE your project. Sorry for the bug with the Launcher, hopefully Epic will fix it soon.

I’ve encountered that before with other marketplace items, can’t you just make a separate project and migrate all the files to your current project? That’s how I’ve got around that issue in the past.

The thing is, we shouldn’t have to, it should just work!

I’ve had GS long enough now to know that you mustn’t use Add to Project with it, and in the past despite it saying Add to Project in the Vault it would only let you create a new project. Anyone that’s just picked it up may not be aware of that and then gets inundated with support requests and complaints when things don’t work.

This is true for most assets. For Generic Shooter though it has some config settings that need to be moved with it. Without those critical config settings, bad things will happen. Many people make mistakes when migrating config settings (I have many emails to prove that). The marketplace team has acknowledged this is a problem and they are working on a fix asap.

Ragdolls are still Pawns. These should be destroyed in 10 seconds as their Lifespan is set. You could loop through all pawns and see if they have a controller on the server and if they don’t, destroy them. I think zuert’s route may be better so you don’t have to deal with not getting the right info on initial spawn.

Hi ,

Would you consider open sourcing this project?

Depends on why. If its “just to make this free”, then no.

My GS updated yesterday/today, is something new or its just a fix?

Its the Butchering Beagle update. The changelog is in first post.


Create a new project from the Marketplace tab.

If you already updated to Butchering Beagle and see an update that was pushed today (8/10/2015), I don’t know what this update is or what Epic did and it doesn’t seem to fix the “Add to Project” issue so… ignore it? Lots of people asking me through other means and I don’t have answer for them.

, could you include in each upgrade a list of the changes? Thanks.

Check the first post for a changelog.

Actually the idea would be allow more developers to contribute to the project and I agree that open source does not necessarily mean free, though in this case it may be unfair for contributors who be uncompensated for their efforts.