Generic Shooter: Support Thread

Great work. This makes starting from scratch so much easier. My only question is if there is the ability to either default or switch to true first person [to have a separate set of first person models / animations]. As it works now first person just looks like you’re putting a camera on the third person mesh, I’d like to be able to see just the gun/arms.

I’m not exactly ready yet.

Ah yeah, noticed that too, will get it changed. Thanks man.

There actually is a second mesh for first person that doesn’t have a head and is rotated in a way where usually the arms are only visible. It has its own animation graph and whatnot with its own animations for first person only. 'Tis weird, usually people ask me to remove this and add ‘true first person’ meaning using only using the third person mesh. Suppose everyone has differing definitions of ‘true first person’, but seperate first person models / animations is currently what I do. I don’t plan on making that switchable to using the third person mesh in first person, ever.

Generic Shooter just got greenlit.

For those of you who doubted,

For those who supported, thanks a lot. Future development of Generic Shooter will be more online platform development focused. Which I know a lot of you want.

I lost the drive I had my stuff on, so I restarted from scratch, but that just allows me to expand the scope of things beyond just the realistic weapons integration, so here is the first tutorial in a series using the awesome generic Shooter Sample Project. :slight_smile:

Let me know if you want to see more or how I can improve these.

Fantastic news! :smiley:

This is awesome.

Also, be sure to join the Slack if you aren’t there already!

Can connect with Generic Shooter users directly

Oh Gosh, please! :cool:

Are you going to do something specific to your game? I still think you should include lots of satire. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Haters Gonna Hate” might be a game mode.

Fo’ sho. Well, maybe. I gotta figure out what that really means.

Heh. I’d go for that! :smiley:

Part 2 is up:

Great vídeo again, already made that progress, but some things helped me a lot as the materials stuff roughness and that alpha channels.

One thing i’ve noticed is that Mixamo website can manage a lot of accounts + animations… you just need to keep creating accounts and upload one of your characters to get the animations :D, you don’t need to activate account with valid e-mail or some sort of that, i’ve got like the whole bunch of their packs. lolol

Thanks again Keith!

NP, I have them stored. No rush

Ok one more noob question, can’t get to work the ANIM3P and ANIM1P weapon animation, i’ve got the weapon with animation, all good, running, actually they are animation sequences that i put into a montage.

Only the reload seems to work pretty if i change the mesh 3P to animation asset (not blueprint) and select any montage in the combobox below (looping enabled, when i press R, reload anim comes up).

But if i keep it as default (animation blueprint, as uses)

and change the values of the 3PWEAPANIM/1PWEAPANIM to my newest fire/reload montage, it dosn’t work!


can someone help me ? i’ve tried to update the function to read animation sequence files, not montages, but so fat no success… files attached. i didn’t catch this flow…

thank you!

Hi. I have a question. Are you planning to implemented things such as jump, crouch, sprint, maybe ladder?

And thank you for your Generic Shooting project. Great work :wink:

Part 2.5 is now up. :slight_smile:

Proud to say, all verified owners of this asset will recieve a free Steam beta key.Can get verified in the Slack channel (see my signature or first post) and messaging me your email and order ID there. Details can be found on the Slack channel.

Atm, indefnitely.

Aaaw yeah, when will it be released?

Any idea if custom maps like in ut will be possible?